When Christ is your leader, you will unite as sons of the living God, speak tenderly to restore intimacy with God, love His people sacrificially so they seek redemption in Christ’s blood, follow God’s word to gain knowledge and understanding, admit guilt and seek Him for revival, expose your sin so you cry to Him for healing and seek God’s approval for your actions to prevent futility.

Unite as Sons of the Living God
God told Hosea to take an adulterous wife because the land departed from the Lord. He married Gomer and she bore Jezreel (end kingdom of Israel), Lo-Ruhamah (not love Israel) and Lo-Ammi (not My people). Israel and Judah would be reunited as the sons of the living God with one leader (Hosea 1:1-11). Unite as sons of the living God. 

Speak Tenderly to Restore Righteousness, Love and Intimacy with God
Rebuke Israel since she was not God’s wife because of adultery and unfaithfulness. He made her like a desert, killed her with thirst and did not show His love to her children conceived in disgrace. God blocked her path with thornbushes and could not find her lovers that provided food, water and oil. She did not acknowledge that God gave her grain, new wine and oil along with gold and silver used for Baal. He exposed her lewdness before her lovers  and stopped all her appointed feasts. He ruined her vines and fig trees to pay for her lovers. God allured, led and spoke tenderly to her in the desert. He gave back her vineyards as a door of hope where she would call Him, ‘my husband.’ He removed the names of the Baals from her lips so they could lie down in safety with the animals. He betrothed them in righteousness, justice, love, compassion and faithfulness to acknowledge the Lord. God planted them in the land to say, ‘You are my God.’ (Hosea 2:1-23). Speak tenderly to restore righteousness, love and faithfulness for an intimate relationship with God in the body of Christ. 

Love God’s People Sacrificially So They Seek Redemption in Christ’s Blood 
The Lord told Hosea to love his adulterous wife like God loved the Israelites who turned to other gods. He bought her for 15 shekels of silver and ten bushels of barley to live purely with him to signify Israel without king, sacrifice, sacred stones, ephod or idol. Later the Israelites sought the Lord and David their king. They would come trembling to the Lord and His blessings in the last days (Hosea 3:1-5). Love God’s people sacrificially so they seek redemption in Christ’s blood. 

Follow God’s Word to Gain Knowledge, Understanding and Glory from Him 
God said Israel had no faithfulness, no love and no acknowledgment of Him in the land. With cursing, lying, murder, stealing and adultery, the land mourned, people wasted away and were destroyed from lack of knowledge. By rejecting it, God rejected them as His priests. By ignoring God’s law, He ignored their children. By sinning, priests exchanged their Glory for something disgraceful. Prostitution, idolatry, adultery, drinking and deserting God removed understanding, led them astray and caused ruin. Rulers loved shameful ways (Hosea 4:1-19). Follow God’s word to gain knowledge, understanding and glory from Him.

Admit Guilt and Seek God for Revival
God disciplined the rebels from corrupt deeds that turned them away from Him. A spirit of  prostitution was in their heart by not acknowledging the Lord. Arrogance prevented them from finding God. Ephraim was oppressed, judged and pursued idols. She turned to Assyria for help but was unable to heal her sores. God was like a lion tearing Ephraim and Judah to pieces. In misery, they admitted their guilt and earnestly sought His face. By returning to God, He healed, bound up their wounds, revived them after two days and restored so they could live in His presence. God appeared like the spring rains that water the earth when they sought to know Him.  He desired mercy, not sacrifice and acknowledgment of God, instead of burnt offerings. They broke the covenant in unfaithfulness, murder and prostitution. A harvest was appointed when He restored the fortunes of His people (Hosea 5:1-6:11). 
Admit guilt and earnestly seek God for revival, restoration, mercy and intimacy.

Expose Your Sin So You Cry Out to God for Healing
Before healing could take place, sins of deceit, lying, adultery, drinking, mocking anger and prayerlessness must be exposed and revealed. Ephraim mixing with the nations sapped his strength without realizing it. Israel’s arrogance prevented him from returning to the Lord. Ephraim was easily deceived while turning to Egypt and Assyria before being destroyed. They spoke lies against God and did not cry out to Him from their hearts. He trained and strengthened them but they plotted evil against God. Their leaders fell by the sword because of insolent words (Hosea 7:1-16). Expose your sin so you cry out to God for healing, training and strengthening.

Seek God’s Approval for Your Actions to Prevent Futility
Israel rejected what was good. They set up kings and chose princes without God’s approval. They made idols for themselves from silver and gold to their own destruction. They sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind. Ephraim’s sin offerings became altars for sinning. They regarded the law as something alien. Because the Lord was not pleased with their sacrifices, He punished their sins. Israel forgot his Maker and God sent fire to consume their fortresses (Hosea 8:1-14). Seek God’s approval for your actions to prevent futility.

When Christ is your leader, you will:
1. Unite as sons of the living God
2. Speak tenderly to restore intimacy with God
3. Love His people sacrificially to seek redemption
4. Follow God’s word to gain knowledge and understanding
5. Admit guilt and seek Him for revival
6. Expose your sin so you cry to Him for healing 
7. Seek God’s approval for your actions 

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