Obadiah’s prophecy provides guidelines to help people pursue high impact ministry by renouncing pride, getting involved when the world attacks Christians and refuse to look down or boast when your brother suffers. Wait for God’s holiness to possess and rule in His assigned territory. The next book, Jonah, provides an example of how to be involved in a high impact ministry. 

Renounce Pride that Deceives and Destroys

God said Edom would be made small and very despised among the nations as pride deceived her. Living in the clefts of the rocks gave a false sense of security since God would bring her down. Esau was ransacked and hidden treasures destroyed while friends deceived and overpowered them. Those who ate their bread set a trap for them (Obadiah 1-7). Renounce pride that deceives, destroys, entraps and gives false security.

Get Involved When the World Attacks Christians 
In that day, God destroyed Edom’s wise and understanding men. He terrified warriors and slaughtered  everyone. Shame and destruction covered them because of violence against Jacob.They stood aloof when strangers carried off his wealth and cast lots for Jerusalem (Obadiah 8-11). Get involved when the world attacks Christians to prevent shame and destruction.

Refuse Looking Down or Boasting When Your Brother Suffers
Obadiah said to not look down on, rejoice over or boast when their brother Judah had trouble. They should not seize wealth during their destruction. They should not wait at the crossroads to kill their fugitives or hand over their survivors during trouble (Obadiah 12-14). Refuse looking down, boasting or taking advantage of your brother during trouble.

God desires that we work together across denominational and racial lines. When one congregation suffers, we all suffer. We are in this work together. 

Wait for God’s Holiness to Possess Territory 
The day of the Lord was near and everyone reaped the deeds they sowed. As they drank on His holy hill, all the nations drank continually. Holy deliverance came on Mount Zion with Jacob possessing its inheritance. A fire consumed the stubble of Esau leaving no survivors (Obadiah 15-18). Wait for God’s holiness to purify and possess territory for His glory.  

Let God Rule in His Territory Assigned to You
People from the Negev would occupy Esau and those from the foothills possessed the land of the Philistines, Ephraim and Samaria. Benjamin would possess Gilead. Israelite exiles in Canaan would possess the land as far as Zarepath. Jerusalem exiles in Sepharad would possess towns in Negev. Deliverers would go on Mount Zion to govern Esau and the kingdom would be the Lord’s (Obadiah 19-21). Let God rule in His territory assigned to you.

Use the following guidelines for high impact ministry:
1. Renounce pride that deceives, destroys, entraps and gives false security
2. Get involved when the world attacks Christians to prevent shame and destruction
3. Refuse looking down, boasting or taking advantage of your brother during trouble
4. Wait for God’s holiness to purify and possess territory for His glory
5. Let God rule territory He assigns to you

Consider your home, neighborhood and workplace territory God has assigned to you. How does God want to use you so He rules in you home, neighborhood and workplace?  

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