We all grow up with negative conditioning. We hear words like, “Children are to be seen and not heard,” or “You will never amount to anything.” After the age of five, most people stop dreaming. They settle for mediocrity rather than pursuing their passion. Those who  accomplish anything in life aren’t satisfied with the status quo, but continually challenge themselves to improve or change so they can be on the cutting edge. Their next choice is whose team will they we playing on; will it be satan’s or God’s?

God wanted Joshua to be on the cutting edge of His team so he could not only fulfill his dream, but that of Israel.  The Amorites and Canaanites’ hearts melted when they heard how the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan (Josh. 5:1). Joshua obeyed God by circumcising all the males born in the wilderness before entering the promised land (Josh. 5:5-6). We risk the severe consequences of not entering into our promised land (dream) if we fail to listen to God.

Joshua saw a man with drawn sword and asked whose side he was on. He learned it was the Lord and needed to take His holiness seriously by taking off his sandals (Josh. 5:13-15). We must move from self-confidence to God-confidence or from self-will to obeying God’s will before we can hear God speak. What character qualities must you develop in your life before you can successfully fight the spiritual battles necessary to fulfill your dream?

Listening to God proves we belong to Him. We either fight on satan’s side or are part of God’s team.  Holiness or dependence on God is the primary qualification required for fighting spiritual battles on His team. Remember: The battle belongs to God. Listening to and acknowledging His presence before we go out to battle assures victory.

Right now, acknowledge God’s presence and power before proceeding with your day. What is He telling you to do in regard to your dream?

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