Someone wrote, “Plant a word in the mind, and you will reap an act. Plant the act and you will reap a habit. Plant a habit and you will reap a character. Plant a character and you will reap a nature. Plant a nature and you will reap a destiny.” Proverbs 29-30 explain how to pursue the multi-dimensional aspects of discipleship.

Bring Stability and Concern for the Poor
Someone who hardens his neck after many rebukes will be destroyed beyond remedy. People rejoice when the righteous thrive but groan when the wicked rule. A man loving wisdom brings joy to his father but a companion of prostitutes wastes his wealth. A king gives  stability to the land through justice but one taking bribes overthrows it. Flattering a neighbor spreads a net for one’s feet. An evil man ensnared by his own sin has no concern for the poor but the righteous sing and care about justice for the poor (Prov. 29:1-7). Bring stability, joy, and concern for the poor, not a hardened heart, wasted wealth, flattery and sin. 

Seek Souls and Judge Poor with Discernment
Mockers stir up a city but the wise turn away anger. The wise has controversy with fools who rage and scoff. Men of bloodshed hate a man of integrity, but the righteous seek his soul. A fool always loses his temper but the wise keeps himself under control. All his officials become wicked when a ruler listens to lies. The Lord gives sight to both the poor man and oppressor. A king’s throne is always secure if he judges the poor with truth (Prov. 29:8-14). Hold your temper, seek the souls of others and judge the poor with truth and discernment.

Teach His Word and Nurture Others to Obey God
A child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother but the rod of correction imparts wisdom. The righteous see the downfall of the wicked and their sin. Correct your son and he will give you comfort and delight to your soul. Without revelation, the people are unrestrained but happy is he who keeps the law. A servant cannot be instructed and respond by words alone even though he understands. A man who speaks hastily has less hope than a fool. He who pampers his servant from childhood will find him to be a son long-term (Prov. 29:15-21). Correct, present negative examples, teach His word and nurture others so people can obey God.

Trust Lord in Humility
An angry man stirs up strife and a hot-tempered one commits many sins. A man’s pride brings him low but a humble spirit gains honor. A partner with a thief hates his own life but dare not testify under oath. The fear of man brings a snare and whoever trusts in the Lord will be exalted. Many seek the ruler’s favor but the Lord gives justice. The righteous detest the dishonest and the wicked detest the upright (Prov. 29:22-27). Be humble, trust the Lord and detest the dishonest resulting in honor and exaltation. 

Seek Accountability in God’s Word
Who has gone up to heaven, gathered up the wind, wrapped up the waters and established all the ends of the earth? What is his name or his son’s name? Every word of God is flawless and He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words or He will rebuke you and prove you a liar (Prov. 30:1-6). Seek accountability and protection from an all-powerful God whose word is flawless and true. 

Pursue Truth and Ask for Daily Provision
Keep falsehood and lies from me. Give me neither poverty nor riches, but only my daily bread lest I be too rich and deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” or become poor and steal so I dishonor the name of my God. Do not slander a servant to his master or he will curse you. Some curse their fathers, do not bless their mothers, pure in their own eyes but not cleansed from their filth, others have haughty eyes and arrogant glances, teeth like swords and devour the poor and needy (Prov. 30:7-14). Pursue truth and ask for daily provision.

Learn Mystery from Creation
The leech has two daughters that cry, “Give! Give!” Three things are never satisfied: Hell, barren womb and land that is never satisfied with water. Four that never say, “Enough!”: Fire, eye that mocks a father and scorns obedience to a mother, food pecked out by ravens and eaten by vultures. Three things too amazing for me and four I do not understand: way of an eagle in the sky, way of a snake on a rock, way of a ship on the high sea and way of a man with a maiden. An adulteress eats and wipes her mouth and says she has done nothing wrong. Under three things the earth trembles and and under four it cannot bear up: a servant who becomes a king, a fool full of food, an unloved woman who is married and a maidservant who displaces her mistress (Prov. 30:15-23). Learn mystery from creation that some things are too amazing or powerful to be understood.

Learn Wisdom and Influence from Creation
Four things on earth are small and extremely wise: ants have little strength but store up their food in the summer, badgers have little power but make their homes in the rocks,  locusts have no king but go out in ranks and a lizard can be caught with the hand but is found in kings’ palaces. Three things are stately in their stride and four move with stately bearing: lion, mighty among beasts, does not retreat before any; strutting rooster; male goat and a king with his army around him. If you have been foolish in exalting yourself or planned evil, put you hand on your mouth. Stirring up anger produces strife like churning the milk produces butter and pressing the nose produces blood (Prov. 30:24-33). Learn wisdom, influence, humility and self-control from creation.

Ask God to help you pursue the following multi-dimensional aspects of discipleship:  
1. Bring stability, joy, and concern for the poor, not a hardened heart, wasted wealth, flattery and sin. 
2. Hold your temper, seek the souls of others and judge the poor with truth and discernment. 
3. Correct, present negative examples, teach His word and nurture others so people can obey God.
4. Be humble, trust the Lord and detest the dishonest resulting in honor and exaltation.  
5. Seek accountability and protection from an all-powerful God whose word is flawless and true. 
6. Pursue truth and ask for daily provision.
7. Learn mystery from creation that some things are too amazing or powerful to be understood.
8. Learn wisdom, influence, humility and self-control from creation. 

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