Self-confidence fails but God-confidence succeeds. Place confidence in God’s intercession since He lives. He finds strong and wise men to defeat wickedness, silences those who do not know Him, judges those who attack you, appoints a tragic end for the wicked and judges everyone with complete knowledge.

Job asked what ailed his friends since they were miserable comforters with long-winded speeches. If he was in their place, Job would encourage and bring them relief. God had worn him out, devastated his entire household and gnashed his teeth at him. Men also united together against Job. God turned him over to evil men, crushed and made him his target. Job wept and was free of violence. With pure prayer, he cried out knowing his intercessor was his friend who pleaded with God on his behalf (Job 16:1-22). Be confident in prayer knowing God intercedes when everyone is against you. 

Job’s spirit was broken and his days cut short. Mockers surrounded Job but he was confident God would not let them triumph. They made him a byword to everyone causing grief. The innocent were aroused against the ungodly. The righteous held to their ways and grew stronger. Job doubted if he would find a wise man. His plans and desires of  his heart were shattered. He lost all hope when those in darkness said light was near (Job 17:1-16). Be confident knowing God will find wise and strong men to defeat wickedness.

Bildad asked Job when he would end speeches calling them stupid since the world would still go on. Those who do not know God have their vigor weakened, terrors startled them, memory of them perished, driven from light into darkness and no descendants among their people (Job 18:1-21). Be confident knowing that God will silence those who do not know Him.  

Job wondered how long torment would last since he was reproached ten times and shamelessly attacked. He received no justice or response when calling for  help. God blocked His way, stripped his honor, removed the crown from his head, uprooted his hope and counted an enemy. God alienated his brothers from him, forgotten by friends and counted as a stranger by guests and maidservants. Job’s wife found his breath offensive, loathsome to his own brothers and ridiculed by little boys to become nothing but skin and bones. He knew his Redeemer lived and in the end He would stand upon the earth so Job would see God (Job 19:1-29). Be confident that your Redeemer lives and will judge those who attack you.

Zophar was greatly disturbed and reminded Job that the joy of the godless and prideful lasted briefly. God made him vomit riches he swallowed so he could not enjoy profit from his trading. He oppressed the poor and seized houses he did not build. His treasure could not save him, his prosperity did not endure, distress overtook him and fire consumed him (Job 20:1-29). Be confident that God appoints a tragic end for the wicked.  

Job admitted his impatience and trembling over the wicked who increase in power and prosper economically without fear. They requested God to leave them alone since they had no desire to know, serve or pray to Him.  Job asked that the wicked see their destruction and drink of God’s wrath. No one taught knowledge to God since He judged even the highest. Those at ease and the bitter both die and decay. He wondered if the wicked would be made accountable for their actions (Job 21:1-34). Be confident that God judges everyone with complete knowledge. 

Remember God’s promise in Heb. 7:25 when you see wickedness: Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.

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