As a missionary and part of a non-profit organization, volunteers become the lifeblood in fulfilling our mission. Like any entity, we plan by setting goals and designing job descriptions. We recruit volunteers by determining who to target and crafting our message. Orientation and training of volunteers introduces them to people as we communicate clear job expectations, program overview and cast vision. Finally, we provide supervision, evaluation and recognition of our volunteers. While these are basic elements in designing a volunteer management program, Judges 5 provides the foundation so God can work. Otherwise we will fall short in reaching our goals.   

Deborah and Barak sang a song rejoicing how Israel’s leaders led so people volunteered in glorifying God in the battle against a Canaanite king (Judges 5:1-2). They freely served and made the necessary sacrifices to be successful. What enabled these “volunteers” have the strength to accomplish their goals?   

First, leaders listen and sing praise to God because of His power and presence (Judges 5:3-5). It all starts with our relationship with God as we enjoy Him instead of  accomplishing our agendas. We see God’s power and experience His presence in creation when the earth quakes and clouds drip water. 

Second, leaders intercede to God for active volunteers who persevere with resolve of heart (Judges 5:9-16). Once we establish our relational connection with God, we then can focus on our goal of successful volunteer management. God’s righteousness overcomes apathy, lukewarmness and sin in us and with our volunteers.

Third, volunteers pay the price in unified effort and experience supernatural intervention (Judges. 3-4; 5:18-23). The tribe of Zebulun despised their life even to death. The stars fought from heaven to defeat Sisera.  

Fourth, volunteers discover their passion, find their role  and experience victory (Judges 5:24-27). Wife of Heber the Kenite killed Sisera with a tent peg.

If you want to lead a successful volunteer program, focus on God in praise first and then intercede for committed volunteers. God will provide those who pay the price as they see His supernatural intervention. The reward is volunteers who discover their passion, find their role and experience victory in kingdom ministry. 

Because the harvest is plentiful and workers or volunteers are few, Christ commands us to beseech the Lord of His harvest (Matt. 9:36-38). 

Worship God and pray for committed workers who find their role in His harvest field.  

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