Good leaders have both a soft and hard side. They are both sensitive and decisive. Their strength is in God, not self. God exalts them as they wait upon Him. Not everyone can aspire to leadership because it involves severe testing and discipline. In his early days, Saul exemplified these character qualities of good leadership. 

People wept over the threat of their eyes being gouged out by the Ammonites. Saul came from the field behind the oxen and said, “What is the matter with the people that they weep?” (1 Sam. 11:1-5). Leaders ask questions so they can assess the emotional state of their followers.

God’s Spirit came upon Saul mightily and he became angry when he heard these words. He cut oxen in pieces and sent them throughout Israel saying, “Whoever does not come out after Saul and Samuel, so shall it be done to his oxen.” People were united after the dread of the Lord came upon them.  Saul numbered Israel and Judah into armies of 300k each. He said confidently to the men of Jabesh-gilead, “Tomorrow you shall have deliverance.” Saul put the people in three companies and they defeated the Ammonites (1 Sam. 11:6-11). Leaders take decisive and strategic action to correct issues among their followers.

People wanted to kill those who questioned whether Saul should be king. Saul said that no one should be put to death because the “Lord has accomplished deliverance for Israel” (1 Sam. 11:12-13). Leaders realize the best defense against opponents is trusting in God to fight the battle. 

Samuel told the people to renew the kingdom in Gilgal where they made Saul king before the Lord. They offered sacrifices of peace offerings and everyone, including Saul, rejoiced greatly (1 Sam. 11:14-15). Leaders wait upon God to exalt them after they are tested.

Consider the following questions as a husband or leader:
1. Are you sensitive to the emotional states of your wife or followers?
2. Do you take decisive action to correct issues among your wife or followers?
3. Do you trust God to fight the battle among your enemies?
4. Do you wait upon God to exalt you after you are tested?

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