The church is God’s plan for building healthy cities. Instead of taking personal responsibility, God’s people often rely on government and non-profit organizations to solve problems in the city whether it is housing, jobs, violence or social opportunities. Jeremiah encouraged an expanded role for the church in the city by speaking the whole truth of what God commands from Genesis to Revelation in order to seek its peace and prosperity. Only a healthy and obedient church motivated by God’s love and repentance bring healing to a city effectively. The law written on the hearts of believers through the New Covenant empowers people to rebuild the city’s ruins. 

Speak Everything God Commands
God instructed Jeremiah to tell Judah everything He commanded so they would listen and turn from their evil way. If they did not listen to the prophets, He would make Jerusalem an object of cursing among all nations like Shiloh. Everyone including priests and prophets said Jeremiah must die after he prophesied desolation for Jerusalem.  He told the officials to reform their ways and actions by obeying God so He would not bring disaster upon them. By killing Jeremiah, they would bring innocent blood upon themselves. Some elders cited Hezekiah who feared and sought the Lord’s favor by not killing Micah who warned Jerusalem like Jeremiah (Jer. 26:1-24). Speak everything God commands so the church obeys Him. 

Speak Truth Without Lying
God told Jeremiah to put a yoke on his neck. He warned the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon that their countries would either serve Babylon or be destroyed if they did not submit to his yoke. Their prophets communicated lies saying they should not serve Babylon, which would result in ruin instead of life. The prophet Hananiah’s told Judah to break the yoke of Babylon since God would bring back the articles of the Lord’s house and exiles within two years. Jeremiah said prophets who prophesied peace were recognized as sent by the Lord if his prediction came true. After Hananiah broke the yoke off of Jeremiah’s neck, he said God would replace it with a iron yoke on all these nations to make them serve king Nebuchadnezzar of  Babylon. Jeremiah told Hananiah that God did not send him even though he persuaded Judah to trust in lies. He died that year because he preached rebellion against God (Jer. 27:1-28:17).  Speak truth without lying to obey God even when it is not politically correct. 

Seek the Peace and Prosperity of the City
Jeremiah sent letter to exiles in Babylon exhorting them to build houses, plant gardens, marry and have children. They prayed and sought the peace of the city. Their prosperity was tied to the city’s. After 70 years in Babylon, God fulfilled His promise to bring them back to Jerusalem. He planned to prosper and not harm them for hope and a future. They prayed so He would listen. They found Him and restored their fortunes when they sought Him with all their heart. The exiles and people in Jerusalem did not listen to God’s words. Those who prophesied lies were put to death by Babylon (Jer. 29:1-32). Seek the peace and prosperity of the city where you live knowing God has a hopeful future.

Rebuild Your City As God Makes the Church Healthy
God told Jeremiah to write in a book every word He spoke concerning a time of trouble when He broke Jacob’s yoke to serve the Lord. They should not fear since Jacob would have peace, security and salvation. God disciplined them with justice. Their wound was incurable with no one to plead or care for their cause. They had many sins and great guilt, but God restored them to health and healed their wounds being called an outcast. The city was rebuilt on her ruins and their community established before God with thanksgiving. A ruler arose from among them to be close to God. They were His people as He fully accomplished His purposes via His wrath  (Jer. 30:1-24).  Rebuild your city as God heals wounds and restores the church to health. 

Allow God’s Love and Repentance Bring Healing of the City 
God gave Israel rest as they found favor in the desert. He loved Israel with an eternal love and drew them with lovingkindness. The watchman made their praises heard and asked God to save them. He gathered the blind, lame and expectant mothers from the ends of the earth. They came with weeping and prayer as God led them beside streams of water on a level path. He watched over His flock like a shepherd and redeemed them from those stronger than they. He satisfied the priests with abundance and filled His people with bounty. They went from weeping for children to having their work rewarded. God provided hope for their future as children returned to their land. Their repentance brought compassion from God (Jer. 31:1-20). Allow God’s love and repentance of sin motivate the church in healing various parts of your city to bring hope, favor and abundance. 

Rely On God’s Law Written On Your Heart
When Israel returned to their towns, the Lord created a new thing when a woman surrounded a man. After God restored Judah from captivity, they said the Lord blessed the righteous dwelling as they lived together, refreshed the weary and satisfied the faint. He uprooted, tore down, overthrew, destroyed and brought disaster before building and planting. Everyone was responsible for their own sin. In the future, God made a new covenant with Israel and Judah different than the Mosaic covenant. He put His law in their minds and wrote it on their hearts as their God and His people. Everyone knew the Lord without teaching as God forgave without remembering their sin. Like the sun rising daily, He promised that Israel’s descendants continue as a nation. God never rejected Israel’s descendants again because of their works. Jerusalem would be rebuilt and holy to the Lord from the Tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate never to be uprooted and demolished (Jer. 31:21-40).  Rely on God’s law written on your heart and mind through the New Covenant.

How will your small group rebuild ruins in the city? Let God speak to you about a simple and realistic project that your group could accomplish trusting Him to empower you.

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