For many years, I waffled whether I should serve the Lord wholeheartedly. Doing what I wanted seemed much more attractive. Why should I restrict my life? Many people think they sacrifice their freedom and the world’s pleasure by serving the Lord. Often, the case has not been made why one should serve the Lord instead of the world’s system. If you are a parent or discipler, God presented reasons to Joshua why his family should serve the Lord. 

God told Joshua the Lord was fighting for him. He assigned land and nations as an inheritance for his tribes after driving them out. Joshua’s and Israel’s responsibility was to obey the law of Moses. He prohibited even associating or mentioning the gods of those nations (Josh 23:3-7). 
First reason to serve the Lord: Since God is fighting for you, obey His word. 

God told Joshua and the nation to prioritize loving Him diligently. Otherwise, these other nations would become a snare, trap, whip on their sides and thorns to their eyes. The Lord fulfills His word to destroy us if we don’t listen (Josh. 23:11-14). 
Second reason to serve the Lord: You experience uncomfortable circumstances following worldly philosophies rather than believing God’s word.

Joshua gathered all the leaders and presented them before God. He recounted Israel’s history from ancient times to the present when they were given land they had not labored, cities they had not built and eating of vineyard they did not plant (Josh. 24:1-13).
 Third reason to serve the Lord: God provides unconditionally even though you haven’t earned or deserved it.   
Joshua told Israel to fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth. We have a choice to serve the true, stable and faithful God or a false one (Josh. 24:14-15).
Fourth reason to serve the Lord: The Lord is faithful and true while other gods are false.

Joshua told Israel that God is holy and jealous. If we forsake Him and serve foreign gods, He will not forgive our sins, but harm and consume us (Josh. 24:19-23). 
Fifth reason to serve the Lord: A holy God will forgive your sins, but other gods will harm and consume you.

Joshua made a covenant, statute and ordinance with the people. He wrote them in the book of the law of God and took a large stone and set it under an oak by the sanctuary of the Lord. The stone would be a witness lest someone denied God (Josh. 24:25-28).
Sixth reason to serve the Lord: Godly leaders risk their lives to teach and make you accountable to serve God. 

Israel served the Lord all days of Joshua and elders who survived Joshua and made known all the Lord’s deeds (Josh. 24:29-32).  
Seventh reason to serve the Lord: Being exposed to Godly leaders who know God intimately empower you to follow and serve Him.    

In summary, the Lord and Godly leaders work in partnership to help you serve the Lord. The Lord fights on your behalf, fulfills His word, furnishes your provision, faithful to you and forgives your sins. Godly leaders who intimately know God will teach, make you accountable and empower you to follow and serve Him. 

Which of these seven reasons motivate you to serve the Lord? Which of these reasons will help you motivate someone else to serve the Lord? 

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