Churches long to see a spiritual harvest of souls. Christ commanded His disciples to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers because the fields are white until harvest (Matt. 9:37-38; Jn. 4:35). After Christ led the woman at the well into a relationship with Himself, He told His disciples that “one sows, and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored” (Jn. 4:37-38). The Psalmist explained how to create proper atmosphere for  spiritual harvest. 

Crying to the Lord
I cried to the Lord in my trouble and He answered me. Deliver my soul from lying lips and deceitful tongue that are like sharp arrows. I dwelt too long with those who hate peace. I am for peace and they are for war (Ps. 120:1-7). Crying out to the Lord delivers you from lies and deceit.

Looking to the Lord
Looking for help from the Lord who made heaven and earth prevents you from slipping. The Lord is keeper and shade on your right hand. He will protect you from all evil, keep your soul and guard your actions forever (Ps. 121:1-8). Looking to the Lord for help protects you from evil. 

Praying With Unity
Let the tribes of Israel go to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem so they can give thanks. In this place are the thrones for judgment. Pray that peace, prosperity and good may reign, not only in your palaces, but within you (Ps. 122:1-9). United prayer creates peace and prosperity.

Waiting Upon Him
As a servant looks to his master or maid to her mistress, I look to the Lord in heaven until He shows grace. Because our soul is greatly filled with contempt from the proud and scoffing of those at ease, I need God’s grace, mercy and favor (Ps. 123:1-4). Waiting upon God allows Him to show grace in midst of contempt and scoffing.  

Being On God’s Side
Men’s anger would have swallowed us alive if the Lord had not been on our side to prevent raging waters from passing over our soul. Help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth to break the snare of the trapper so our soul could escape (Ps. 124:1-8). Being on God’s side delivers you from those who rise up against you.   

Trusting in God
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion. He surrounds His people so wickedness would not rest upon the righteous to do wrong. Ask the Lord to do good to those with upright hearts. The Lord led those with crooked ways to join doers of iniquity (Ps. 125:1-5). Trusting in God protects His people from wickedness.

Sowing His Word with Tears
When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion, they dreamed, laughed and shouted with joy. They told the nations that the Lord has done great things for them. Those sowing in tears carrying his bag of seeds reap with joyful shouting bringing sheaves with him (Ps. 126:1-6). Sowing His word with tears reaps souls who know God.

Do the following to create a proper atmosphere for spiritual harvest:  
1. Crying out to the Lord delivers you from lies and deceit
2. Looking to the Lord for help protects you from evil
3. United prayer creates peace and prosperity
4. Waiting upon God allows Him to show grace in midst of contempt and scoffing
5. Being on God’s side delivers you from those who rise up against you   
6. Trusting in God protects His people from wickedness 
7. Sowing His word with tears reap souls who know God 

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