Oswald Chambers wrote: “Today we hold conferences and conventions and give reports and make our programs. None of these things were in the life of Jesus, and yet every minute of His life He realized that He was fulfilling the purpose of His Father (John 9:4). How did He do it? By maintaining the one relationship, and it is that one relationship He insists on in His disciples, and it is the one we have lost in the rubbish of modern civilization. If we try and live the life Jesus Christ lived, modern civilization will fling us out like waste material; we are no good, we do not add anything to the hard cash of the times we live in, and the sooner we are flung out the better.” God revealed priorities to Solomon that cut against cultural Christianity.  

Solomon assembled all the leaders and brought the ark of the covenant of the Lord from the city of David. Solomon and the congregation of Israel sacrificed many sheep and oxen. The priests brought the ark to the most holy place in the house under the wings of the cherubim. Inside the ark were two tablets of stone that Moses put there at Horeb. The cloud of glory filled the house of the Lord so the priests could not minister (1 Kings 8:1-11). God prioritizes the glory of the Holy Spirit over good works and intentions.

Solomon said he would build God a lofty house where the Lord would dwell in the thick cloud as a place for His dwelling forever. Solomon said God chose David instead of a city from the tribes to be over His people Israel. God said David did well by having a heart to build a house for His name.The Lord fulfilled His word for Solomon to build a house for His name where he could set the ark. Solomon asked God to confirm His promise to David in always having a son sit on Israel’s throne if they walk similarly as him  (1 Kings 8:12-26). God prioritizes heart over human abilities plus God’s help when needed.

Solomon prayed that since heaven could not contain God, how would He dwell in this house? He asked God to listen, be open and forgive. He asked that God would condemn the wicked and justify the righteous by giving according to His righteousness. If Israel was defeated by an enemy because of sin, but turn to God, confess His name, pray and intercede, then He would hear, forgive sin and bring them back to the land. If sin caused drought and they prayed, confessed and turned from their sin when He afflicted them, then God heard, forgave sin and taught the good way to walk. He sent rain on His land given as an inheritance, If there was famine, pestilence, blight, enemy, plague or sickness, then God heard prayer, forgave, acted and rendered to each according to his ways since He knew peoples’ hearts (1 Kings 8:27-40). God prioritizes confession of sin and prayer over being strong, capable and confident in self.

God heard the prayers of the foreigner and did what he or she called so all the peoples of the earth would know His name, fear Him and know that Solomon’s house was called by His name (1 Kings 8:41-43). God prioritizes His name being glorified over peoples’ desire to please and not offend the world. 

God maintained the cause of His people when they battled the enemy by praying to Him. Sin caused them to be taken captive in the land of the enemy. If they returned with all their heart and soul, repented and interceded by saying they  sinned, God heard their prayers, maintained their cause and forgave them (1 Kings 8:44-53). God prioritizes His people resisting being taken captive by the enemy over success and acceptance by all people.

Solomon blessed the whole assembly saying that “not one word has failed of all His good promise, which He promised through Moses His servant.” May the Lord not leave or forsake them, but incline their hearts to walk in His ways and maintain the cause of His servants as each day required so everyone would know the Lord as God. For 14 days, Solomon offered the sacrifice of peace offerings, burnt offering and grain offering to dedicate the house of the Lord  (1 Kings 8:54-66). God prioritizes time spent in relationship with God through His word over adapting the church to the “community” so everyone feels at home.

Which of the underlined insights convict you the most concerning God’s priority versus cultural Christianity. Ask the Holy Spirit to work His priority in you. 

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