Everyone wants to discover God’s will for their lives. What does He want you to do so you can live a significant life?
How do you discover and live out your destiny? As David became king over  Israel and Judah, he discovered a convergence between his desires, passions and gifts, talents and abilities, which determined his sweet spot. As he asked God, this information helped him discover his purpose and destiny. God’s sovereignty enabled David to walk in his sweet spot, ultimately leading toward his destiny.  In a similar way, He wants you to discover your sweet spot and destiny so you can live it out.  

During the long war between house of Saul and house of David, the latter  grew steadily stronger and house of Saul grew weaker continually (2 Sam. 3:1-5). God imparts strength in the spiritual battle to accomplish your destiny.

Abner was making himself strong in house of Saul. He planned to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and establish the throne of David over Israel and Judah. Ish-bosheth, Saul’s son, was afraid of Abner (2 Sam. 3:6-11). God’s sovereignty provides confidence in accomplishing your destiny. 

Abner sent messengers so he could make a covenant to bring Israel to David. David asked for Michal, Saul’s daughter and his former wife. Michal’s husband wept when  Ish-bosheth took her (2 Sam. 3:12-16). Don’t be concerned what others think as you pursue your destiny.  

Abner consulted Israel’s elders saying they wanted David to be king over them. Abner said to do it for the Lord has spoken of David that he would save Israel from the Philistines and all their enemies. It seemed good to Israel and house of Benjamin that David may “be king over all that your soul desires” (2 Sam. 3:17-21). You experience favor from others when you pursue your passion. 

After Joab returned from a raid, he asked David why he sent Abner away. Joab said that Abner came to deceive and gather intelligence about David (2 Sam. 3:22-25). Others try to make you wander from your sweet spot.

When Joab took revenge on Abner for killing his brother Asahel, David said he and his kingdom were innocent. They had no part in killing Abner. David cursed Joab house so they would experience disease, death and poverty (2 Sam. 3:26-30). Integrity and upholding truth maintain positioning within your sweet spot. 

David told Joab and the people to mourn Abner since he fell before the wicked. It pleased all the people that David fasted the whole day over Abner’s death. They understood that it wasn’t David’s intention to have Abner killed since he considered him a prince and great man. David said he was weak, though anointed king, and sons of Zeruiah were too difficult for him. “May the Lord repay the evil doer according to his evil” (2 Sam. 3:31-39). Sharing your desires and passions along with assessing your gifts, talents and abilities result in favor or disfavor with others.   

To gain clarity about your sweet spot and destiny, answer the following questions:
1. What are your desires concerning your life as it relates to your family, job, living conditions, etc.?
2. What passions keep you awake at night?
3. What are your gifts, talents and abilities?
4. As you compare answers to the above three questions, what convergences or common themes do you discover? This defines your sweet spot.
5. Ask why God gave you this sweet spot. What purpose or need does God want you to uniquely fulfill in operating out of your sweet spot? This defines your destiny. 

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