People often won’t try new things because change is uncomfortable. It’s easier to stay in the rut of the familiar. To have life, we must desire change. This applies especially to your spiritual life. In John 7, people want to maintain their ungodly lifestyles, keep quiet about Jesus, seek their own will, hide truth that Jesus came from God, and remain self-satisfied and prejudiced about the truth.  To get out of the spiritual rut, you must be thirsty for change.  

Jesus walked in Galilee, but avoided Judea where the Jews sought to kill Him. His unbelieving brothers urged Him to go to Judea for the Feast of Booths so His disciples could behold His works in public. Jesus said His time had not yet come, but they had constant opportunities. The world hated Him because He revealed peoples’ evil deeds (John 7:1-9). The world hates Jesus because He reveals their evil works. 

His brothers went to the feast while Jesus came secretly. The multitude grumbled as some said He was a good man and others said that He led the multitude astray. No one was speaking openly of Him for fear of the Jews (John 7:10-13). Believers don’t speak openly of Jesus because they fear the worlds’ opinions. 

When Jesus taught in the temple, the Jews marveled how He became learned without formal education. He said His teaching was “not Mine, but His who sent Me.” Those willing to do His will know whether one’s teaching comes from God or self. The latter seek their own glory, but those seeking God’s glory are true without unrighteousness. “If people obey Moses by being circumcised on the Sabbath, why are you angry with Christ who heals a man on that day?  Judge righteously and not according to appearance” (John 7:14-24). Those who seek God’s will teach His word so people can be made whole.

Unlike the rulers, some people confidently said they knew where Jesus came from, but didn’t know God personally. People have relationship with God because Jesus was sent from Him. Many believed Jesus because He performed signs. The Pharisees stumbled over His statement, “You will seek Me, and will not find Me; and where I am, you cannot come” (John 7:25-36). People must know Jesus came from God to have a relationship with Him.

Those who have thirsty souls will come to Jesus and drink from Him. He who believes in Him as the Scripture said, “From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water,” which is the Spirit. The multitude were divided on Jesus’ true identity (John 7:37-44). Those with thirsty souls experience the power of the Spirit when they believe in Him.

When the officers expressed amazement over Jesus’ words, the Pharisees were concerned that they were being led astray since none of the religious rulers believed in Christ. The Pharisees discounted the multitude’s belief since they didn’t know the Law. In response, Nicodemus said the Law does not judge a man unless it looks at the evidence and hears from him. The Pharisees accused him of being from Galilee since “no prophet arises out of Galilee” (John 7:45-53). Peoples’ prejudices predispose them to not believe in Jesus. 

Answer the following questions: 
1. Do you want your present lifestyle transformed?
2. Will you speak opening about Christ in spite of peoples’ opinions?
3. Will you seek God’s will by teaching others His word so they can be healed?
4. Do you have a relationship with God through Jesus?
5. Is your soul so thirsty that it can only be satisfied by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
6. Will you believe God’s word even when it doesn’t sense?
If you answered yes to these six questions, your soul will be satisfied by the fullness of the Spirit.  

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