God is more interested in reconciling  broken relationships than you are. He sovereignly arranges circumstances to bring people together. God provides resources to facilitate harmonious relationships. Even forgiveness is a gift of God. God moves heaven to promote reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers, which should be encouragement when you face unreconciled relationships.  

Joseph cried before his brothers only. He said, “I am Joseph? Is my father still alive?” It terrified his brothers so they couldn’t answer him. Joseph told them to not  be grieved or angry even though they sold him into Egypt. God sent him to preserve a remnant and kept them alive by a great deliverance even through five years of famine remained. Joseph said it wasn’t his brothers who sent him to Egypt, but God who made him a father to Pharaoh, lord of all his household and ruler over all the land. Joseph told them to say to his father that God had made him lord of Egypt so he would provide for them in Goshen. Joseph fell on his brother, Benjamin. He kissed, wept and talked with his brothers (Gen. 45:1-15). The offended party receives God’s forgiveness by acknowledging the offense, trusting God’s sovereignty to accomplish a special purpose through it and working it out through transparent, emotion-filled communication. 

The news pleased Pharaoh’s house. He told Joseph to load his beasts for the trip to Canaan so his family, including his father, could enjoy Egypt’s best land. Pharaoh told him to be without concern since the best of Egypt was his (Gen. 45:16-20). God provides and leads His people toward reconciliation.

Joseph gave his brothers wagons and provisions for their journey according to Pharoah’s command. Each received changes of garments, but to Benjamin he gave 300 pieces of silver and five changes of garments. Pharaoh sent ten donkeys loaded with the best things of Egypt and ten donkeys loaded with sustenance for his father on the journey. As his brothers departed, Joseph said, “Do not quarrel on the journey.” When Israel saw the wagons and heard what Joseph said to them, his spirit revived and said, “It is enough; my son Joseph is still alive. I will go see him before I die” (Gen. 45:21-28). God works His forgiveness through the offended party so offenders will experience it.

How have the underlined factors encouraged you in a past broken relationship that was reconciled? How will these underlined factors help you in a present unreconciled relationship?

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