Sometimes our life feels like it’s caving in. God seems distant. We aren’t sure He’s real. God doesn’t seem present in the tough situation we are facing. The last thing we want to hear from one of our pious friends, “Everything is going to turn out alright.”  What will give you confidence when life caves in on you?

Jesus’ mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but was with child by the Holy Spirit before they came together. Joseph her husband was a righteous man and wanted to divorce her quietly. An angel told him that Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit. She would give birth to a son that they were to name Jesus because He would save people from their sins (Matt. 1:18-21). Virgin Mary bore Jesus who would save people from their sins.

The virgin birth of Jesus called “God with us,”  was fulfilled in Is. 7:14. Joseph obeyed the angel, took Mary as his wife and had no union with her until she gave birth to a son (Matt. 1:22-25). God is actively involved in your life because He sent Jesus to earth as Immanuel or “God with us.”

Magi from the east came to Jerusalem saw the star and asked where was the one born king of the Jews. Micah 5:2 prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem as a ruler to be shepherd of His people Israel (Matt. 2:1-6). Christ shepherds and guides your life.

Herod asked the Magi to make careful search so he could visit Jesus. The magi responded to God’s initiative by worshiping and paying homage to the baby Christ. They obeyed God’s leading by going home another way. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and said to take his family to Egypt since Herod wanted to kill Jesus. They stayed there until Herod’s death. It fulfilled Hosea 11:1 “Out of Egypt I called my Son” (Matt. 2:7-15). People either kill or worship Jesus. 

King Herod slew the male-born children because Jesus represented a threat to his throne in fulfillment of Jer. 31:15 where weeping occurred in Ramah (Matt. 2:16-18). The world fights against God’s kingdom.

After Herod died, an angel of the Lord said to move back to Israel so those who wanted to take Jesus’ life were dead. They settled in Nazareth that had no worldly acclaim to fulfill what was said through the prophet that He would be called a Nazarene (Matt. 2:19-23). Follow God’s word for protection to fulfill His promise.

We have two choices. We can respond like the magi by falling down in worship of Christ by rejoicing exceedingly with great joy. Or we can be like King Herod who ruled his own life and attempted to kill Christ. 

Compare the outcomes of each of their lives. The magi freely presented their lives and treasures to Him. Herod sought praise for himself and selfishly hung onto his treasures. 

God meets us at our point of need when He sent Jesus to earth as our ruler and shepherd to save us from our sins. This truth is too wonderful to understand. It is like an infant learning calculus. 

After thinking about Jesus coming to earth to die for your sins as your shepherd and guide, what difference will that make in the tough situation you are facing today?  

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