People often live like there’s no tomorrow. We see this from news media reports on celebrities being only concerned with their appearance, negotiating their next movie deal or getting publicity to further their career. One month from now, these things will be a distant memory. What should we be concerned about during the few years we live on earth so we aren’t consumed by the glitz and glitter of this world? 

After Joshua and the nation of Israel saw the miracle of the Jordan River being parted and their meeting with the Angel of the Lord (Josh. 4-5), they came to the city of Jericho. Its walls were tightly shut because they feared sons of Israel (Josh. 6:1). Many people today are blinded and bound by walls of anger, control and shame so they can’t understand or believe in the true God. 

As we listen to God, He will show us how to break these strongholds of darkness in ourselves, families and those living in our cities. This is exactly what Joshua did. God told him to march around Jericho, blow the trumpets and have people shout so the walls could come down (Josh. 6:2-5). 

We don’t necessarily march around our cities today but should  follow God’s strategy in Spirit-directed prayer to break down strongholds preventing people from knowing God personally. When Jericho was given into Joshua’ hand, he took authority and dominion over the city. As the body of Christ today, God wants us to take responsibility for our cities by praying in accordance to His direction to destroy walls hindering people from responding to God’s Spirit. 

The trumpets the priests blew at Jericho were the same ones Israel used in introducing Jubilee (Lev. 25:9-10).   In other words, the cross work of Christ applied through prayer gave people freedom from slavery both spiritually and physically. Their sins would be forgiven and property would be restored back to their families so they could live in peace. 

When the walls came down and Israel got dominion over Jericho, it wasn’t for their benefit (Josh. 6:17). The city was reserved for God and His kingdom purposes. Everything was utterly destroyed by the sword after the walls came down (Josh. 6:20-21). Jericho was set aside for God’s use to prevent alien elements of the Canaanite culture and worship from infecting Israel. The sword represents God’s word, which must be studied and taught so a Biblical worldview can be developed in each person’s life as a disciple of Christ.

What is God saying to you about how to intercede for your city or person(s) within it? Who can team up with you? 

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