Picture In order to develop a biblical worldview, speak against false teaching, transform mindsets by repenting of idols in your heart, use your fame to help the poor and needy, refuse trusting in human strategies, repent and get a new heart and spirit, serve and obey God so the world can see Him, and be broken over a community’s sin since God exalts the lowly.

Speak Against False Teaching
God told Ezekiel to prophesy against Israel’s prophets who spoke out of their imaginations with false visions. They did not repair the breaks in Israel’s wall so it would stand firm in battle. God was against their false words and lying visions that led people astray. They said peace when there was no peace. It was like covering a flimsy, whitewashed wall that God tore down. Ezekiel set his face against the daughters of Israel who ensnared peoples’ lives but preserved their own. Their lies killed those who should not have died and spared those who should not live. God saved Israel from the lies that disheartened the righteous and encouraged the wicked not to turn from their evil ways to save their lives. Then they would know He was God (Ezek. 13:1-23). Speak against false teaching that ensnare the righteous and encourage the wicked.

Transform Mindsets By Repenting of Idols in Your Heart
God told Ezekiel that Israel’s elders set up idols in their hearts with wicked stumbling blocks. The Lord answered those with idols in their hearts who inquired of God. He recaptured the hearts of Israel who deserted God. They repented, turned from idols and renounced evil practices. God destroyed the prophets who bore their guilt. Israel no longer strayed from Him. A righteous person only could save himself and not his country or other family members. Each person was responsible for their sin. God had cause for judging by sword, famine, wild beasts and plague to kill men and animals. He made Jerusalem an useless vine like wood burned in a fire (Ezek. 14:1-15:8). Transform mindsets by repenting of idolatry in your heart.

Use Your Fame to Help the Poor and Needy
God told Ezekiel to confront Jerusalem’s evil practices. He made a covenant and dressed them in fine linen. Their fame spread among the nations because of their beauty. They trusted in beauty and used their fame to become a prostitute. They  lavished favors on those who passed by, made male idols for prostitution to Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia, and sacrificed children to idols. They copied Sodom’s evil practices and became more depraved than they. Sodom was arrogant, overfed, unconcerned  and did not help the poor and needy. God made atonement and they were ashamed for what they did. They never opened their mouth because of their humiliation (Ezek. 16:1-63). Use your fame and beauty for humility, concern and helping the poor and needy.

Refuse Trusting in Human Strategies
God told Ezekiel that a great eagle broke off a branch. He planted it and seed in fertile soil within a city of traders. It produced branches, fruit and a large vine by abundant water to represent Israel taken captive in Babylon. The king rebelled against Babylon by sending envoys to Egypt to get horses and a large army. It was no help in war to know that God was Lord (Ezek. 17:1-24). Refuse trusting in human strategies that fail in spiritual warfare.

Repent and Get a New Heart and Spirit
God told Ezekiel that people no longer quoted the proverb saying fathers ate sour grapes and the children’s teeth were set on edge. Both father and son belonged to God. The soul who sinned died, but the righteous lived. Sons died for their own sin and fathers for theirs. They did not share the guilt of the other. The righteousness of the righteous man was credited to him and wickedness of the wicked charged against him. God took no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but pleased when they turn from their ways and lived. Israel’s ways were unjust when they said God’s ways were unjust. They must repent and turn from their offenses so sin would not be their downfall. They must rid themselves from all offenses and get a new heart and a new spirit (Ezek. 18:1-32). Repent, turn from sin, and get a new heart and spirit.  

Serve and Obey God So World Can See Him
Nations came against Israel and they were brought to Babylon. The branch was stripped of its fruit and planted in the desert. Fire consumed the fruit of the branch. Some elders of Israel inquired of the Lord. He told them to eliminate vile images so they would not be defiled by Egypt’s idols. God led them out of Egypt into the desert where He gave laws to obey. Israel disobeyed Him for their eyes lusted after their fathers’ idols. They wanted to be like the nations who served wood and stone. On the holy mountain, Israel served God who gathered them from the nations where they were scattered. He showed Himself through Israel before the nations (Ezek. 19:1-20:49). Serve and obey God so the world can see Him. 

Be Broken Over Community’s Sin Since God Exalts the Lowly
Ezekiel set his face against Israel to cut off the righteous and  the wicked. God told him to groan with broken heart and bitter grief. Israel despised His discipline and all advice. The sword struck three times for great slaughter and captivity to melt hearts. God exalted the lowly and brought low the exalted (Ezek. 21:1-32). Be broken over a community’s sin since God exalts the lowly and humbles the exalted. 

In order to develop a biblical worldview, do the following:
1.  Speak against false teaching

2.  Transform mindsets by repenting of idols in your heart
3.  Use your fame to help the poor and needy 

4.  Refuse trusting in human strategies 
5.  Repent and get a new heart and spirit 
6.  Serve and obey God so the world can see Him  
7.  Be broken over a community’s sin since God exalts the lowly

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