Have you ever received special attention because of a special accomplishment or service to someone? You won an award, made the last shot in a basketball game or went beyond the call of duty to help someone. Even if you weren’t officially recognized, you felt good. Each added a spark to our lives. Consider the responsibilities assigned to us in our work, whether it’s employment or ministry.  Remember that faithfulness to a small task leads to greater responsibilities being entrusted to us. 

In our passage today, God recognized an unique individual who was given a great task that took nearly 100 years to complete. Noah was faithful one day at a time in building the ark. God said to him and his family to enter the ark since he was the only one righteous in his generation (Gen. 7:1,7,13). Three times the writer mentioned that Noah and his family entered the ark denoting special attention and privilege granted to them.

God instructed Noah to take clean or pure animals on the ark constructed to float and rise above the earth. God’s recognition of Noah and his family contrasted directly to the rest of His creation because He destroyed every person and animal in a worldwide flood (Gen. 7:1-4,10-12,17-18). Salvation and protection from danger  come to us when we obey God like Noah. Spiritual, emotional and mental destruction occur when we disobey God. The writer emphasized this principle three times so we wouldn’t miss it (Gen. 7:5,9,16). 

Noah’s originally built the ark in obedience to God’s command and as a result, only Noah and his family were saved after the flood (Gen. 6:22; 7:23). Let’s consider three major principles that flow out of Gen. 7:
1. We develop spiritual leadership as we obey and walk with God (I John 2:12-14).
2. Those who walk walk with God protect their families from  destruction (world, flesh and devil) and influence countless  generations toward godliness (I John 2:15-17).   
3. As we are faithful in a little, we will be entrusted with greater responsibilities (Luke 16:10).

Let God search your heart to determine where you are being unfaithful. Take action in partnership with the Holy Spirit to obey what God has shown you to do.

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