“My business is with all my might to serve my own generation. In doing so I shall best serve the next generation, should the Lord tarry. I have but one life to live on earth and this one life is but a brief life for sowing in comparison with eternity for reaping” (George Muller)

To make disciples of Christ, be strong and courageous, read, study and obey God’s word as you mediate on His greatness so you can employ spiritual gifts, pray in the Holy Spirit and share intimate knowledge of God with others. 

Be Strong and Courageous
The Lord told Moses not to cross the Jordan since God and Joshua would cross ahead of him to take possession of their land. The Lord would destroy these nations like He did to Sihon and Og, kings of the Amorites. The Lord delivered them up so Israel could do what He commanded.  Moses told Joshua in the presence of Israel to be strong and courageous as He went with the people into the land and divided it as their inheritance. Because the Lord went before them, they would not fear or be discouraged (Deut. 31:1-8). Be strong and courageous as you pray against spiritual enemies since God is always with you.

Read God’s Word
Moses wrote this law and gave it to the priests, sons of Levi, who carried the ark. At the end of every seven years when debts were cancelled during the Feast of Booths, they assembled everyone including children and aliens to read the Law so they would hear, learn, obey and fear the Lord in the land they possessed (Deut. 31:9-13). Read God’s word so people learn and obey it during times of financial blessings.

Study God’s Word
The Lord appeared in a pillar of cloud saying Moses would die, people would prostitute after foreign gods of the land they entered, forsake God and break the covenant He made with them. God hid His face and destroyed them with many disasters and difficulties. They asked if these disasters came because God was not with them. Moses wrote and taught this song as a witness against Israel and their descendants when they came into the land flowing with milk and honey, became satisfied, prosperous and turned to other gods and served them. Moses told Joshua to be strong and courageous since God would be with him. Moses commanded the Levites to place the book of the complete words of the law besides the ark of covenant as a witness against them for God knew their rebellion and stubbornness. Moses knew after his death they would act corruptly (Deut. 31:14-29). Sing songs and study God’s word to warn prosperous Christians of the danger in worshiping a culture’s false gods.

Meditate on God’s Greatness
Let God’s teaching fall like rain and descend like dew and showers on new grass. He proclaimed the greatness of the faithful God whose works were perfect and ways just.  A warped and crooked generation was no longer His child even though God was their Father and Creator. He divided all mankind and set up boundaries for the peoples. God cared, guarded and led His people like an eagle hovering over its young so no foreign god was with them. God fed and nourished them with honey from the rock, fattened lambs and the finest kernels of wheat. When Jeshurun grew fat and filled with food, he rejected the Rock his Savior and angered Him with detestable idols. They sacrificed to demons, gods they had not known, gods that recently appeared and gods their fathers did not fear. They deserted the Rock and forgot God who gave them birth (Deut. 32:1-18). Meditate on God’s greatness through repeated teaching of God’s word in order to worship Him and not false gods.

Obey God’s Word
God rejected and hid His face from a perverse and unfaithful generation. He sent wasting famine, consuming pestilence and deadly plague into a nation without sense, discernment and understanding. Their vine came from the vine of Sodom and their wine was the venom of serpents. The Lord judged His people and had compassion on His servants when their strength was gone. He brought death and life. He wounded and healed. God took vengeance on His enemies and made atonement for His land and people. By taking these words to heart, they could command their children to obey them carefully as their life to live long in the land. Moses died because he broke faith with God by not upholding His holiness among the Israelites (Deut. 32:19-52). Obey God’s word in teaching your children and disciples.   

Employ Spiritual Gifts
Moses blessed Israel and the Lord came with many holy ones who bowed down and received instruction. God loved His people as they followed His steps leading to life. God defended Israel’s cause and helped them against their enemies. The godly man was tested by God at Massah when he contended with Him at the waters of Meribah. He taught them His law and blessed their skills as they offered incense and burnt offering.  The Lord’s beloved rested securely for He shielded them all day. The Lord blessed His land with precious dew from heaven (Deut. 33:1-17). Employ your spiritual gifts as you learn God’s word, pray and surrender to testing.

Pray in Holy Spirit
They feasted on treasures hidden in the sand. He enlarged Gad’s domain, chose the best land and carried out the Lord’s righteous will concerning Israel. Naphtali abounded with the Lord’s favor full of His blessing. Asher bathed his feet in oil. They rested in the arms of the eternal God.  He destroyed their enemy so Israel could live in safety. The Lord as glorious sword saved Israel. Their enemies cringed before them as they treaded upon their high places (Deut. 33:1-29). Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit to enlarge your kingdom domain by defeating spiritual enemies. 

Share Intimate Knowledge of God
The Lord showed Moses the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants. Moses died according to God’s word and buried him in Moab. Israel wept for Moses thirty days. Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses laid his hands upon him. Israel listened to him and did what the Lord commanded Moses. Since then, no prophet arose in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face who did miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt to Pharaoh and his whole land (Deut. 34:1-12). Share intimate knowledge of God with others as your goal in life.

Commit yourself to being a disciple of Christ and study Deuteronomy on how to develop intimacy with Christ so you can share it with others. 

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