“The modern world detests authority but worships relevance. Our Christian conviction is that the Bible has both authority and relevance, and that the secret of both is Jesus Christ ” (John R. W. Stott).

Notice the progression to enable God’s truth to multiply in the world:
1. Begin with prayer for increased faith, love and power for endurance
2. Love God’s truth to stand firm against Satan
3. Trust the Holy Spirit to believe truth for good deeds
4. Pray that God’s message spread rapidly 
5. Warn idle brothers to work trusting God

Pray for Increased Faith, Love and Power for Endurance
Paul, Silas and Timothy thanked God for the Thessalonian church because their faith grew and love for each other increased. They boasted about their perseverance and faith to endure persecutions and trials. It was  evidence that His judgment was right so they could be worthy of God’s kingdom through suffering. He punished those with eternal destruction who did not know and obey the gospel of Christ on the day He came to be glorified by those who believed. They prayed that God would count them worthy of His calling and by His power fulfill every good purpose and act prompted by faith (2 Thess. 1:1-12). Pray for increased faith, love and power to endure suffering and fulfill every good purpose.

Love God’s Truth to Stand Firm Against Satan
They should not be alarmed or deceived that the day of the Lord already came. The man of lawlessness doomed to destruction proclaiming himself as God must come first. Someday the one who held back the secret power of lawlessness would be taken away to reveal the lawless one. The splendor of the Lord Jesus’ coming would overthrow and destroy him. The lawless one came with Satan’s work displayed by counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders to deceive those who refused to love the truth in order to be saved. God sent a powerful delusion so they would believe the lie and be condemned by not believing the truth (2 Thess. 2:1-12). Love God’s truth to stand firm against Satan’s counterfeit miracles, deceptions and lies.  

Trust Holy Spirit to Believe Truth for Good Deeds
They always thanked God because He chose them for salvation through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and belief in the truth. He called them through the gospel to share in Christ’s glory. As a result, they should stand firm to verbal or written teachings. God’s love and grace gave them eternal encouragement and good hope for their hearts to strengthen them in every good deed and word (2 Thess. 2:13-17). Trust the Holy Spirit to believe truth resulting in good deeds and encouraging words.  

Pray That God’s Message of Love Spreads Rapidly
They asked for prayer that God’s message spread rapidly and be honored while being delivered from evil men. The faithful God would strengthen and protect them from the evil one. They expressed confidence in the Lord that they continue doing what He commanded. They prayed for their hearts to be directed into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance (2 Thess. 3:1-5). Pray that God’s message of love spreads rapidly without hindrance from evil men.

Warn Idle Brothers to Work Trusting God
They commanded them to stay away from idle brothers who did not follow God’s teaching. They should pay for food and work to not be a burden to anyone. He who refused to work should not eat. Busybodies should settle down and earn the bread they ate. Do not associate with those who did not obey instruction. The Lord of peace would give them peace at all times and in every way (2 Thess. 3:6-18). Warn idle brothers to work and pay their own expenses while trusting in God for peace.

1. Pray for increased faith, love and power for endurance
2. Love and believe the truth through the Holy Spirit
3. Pray that God’s message spread rapidly
4. Be responsible in working and paying your expenses

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