How do you respond to tough times like a divorce, job loss, soured relationship or addiction we can’t overcome? In our heart, we want to be available to help others, but these trials keep us self-focused so it becomes difficult to serve our fellow man.  Are our good works sufficient without the power of God? 

God uses human hands as instruments to demonstrate His power and to serve others. Rahab, a prostitute with her own issues of addiction, protected two spies as they viewed Jericho (Josh. 2:2-5).

They reported back to Joshua that God’s miraculous power was already operating: “The Lord gave land into Israel’s hands as the hearts of the inhabitants melted away” (Josh. 2:24). God instructed the nation of Israel that relying on His power would result in Him doing a miraculous work (Josh. 3:3-6). The Canaanites would be defeated and the Jordan River would part in two (Josh. 3:10-17). God will do the same in your life with the issue you are facing today. 
We can try many good works to help our fellow man, but setting ourselves apart to God by following His leading will position us for maximum impact. It worked for Rahab and the nation of Israel when they relied on God’s power. Relying on God moment by moment enables us to defeat evil spiritual forces through the miracles He provides. 

What difference will it make if you recognize God is alive today? What obstacle are you facing where you need God’s supernatural work? Do you believe God will supercharge your good works?

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