Adding even one ingredient can make a huge different for food.
For example, add zucchini to get moist brownies. Add fresh apples for sweet coleslaw. Add avocado for rich pudding. If you add each of the ingredients from God’s way instead of the world’s way (Luke 9), you have the recipe for effective kingdom ministry. 

Listen to Jesus as He describes eight ingredients of kingdom ministry
​in Luke 9:

1. Trust God’s power and authority
Jesus sent the twelve to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing with power and authority over demons and diseases. He told them to take nothing, find housing, and leave if not received as a testimony against them. They went among the villages preaching the gospel and healing everywhere (Luke 9:1-6). Trust God’s power and authority to proclaim His kingdom and perform healing.

2. Surrender available resources
Jesus told the twelve to feed the multitude with five loaves and two fish for 5,000 men. Jesus instructed them to recline in groups of 50 each. He blessed, broke, and gave the disciples bread to set before the multitude. They had 12 baskets left over (Luke 9:7-17). Surrender available resources and trust God to provide what’s lacking.

3. Deny self and take up cross 
While praying alone, Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter said, “The Christ of God.” He said the Son of Man must suffer many things, be rejected by religious authorities, killed and raised up on the third day. Jesus said to deny self, take up cross daily, and follow Him. He who saves his life loses it, but whoever loses his life for Christ will save it. It’s unprofitable to gain the world and lose your soul (Luke 9:18-27). 
Deny self, take up cross, and follow Him to save my life.

4. Listen to God
He took Peter, John and James to pray with Him on the mountain. The three saw His glory with Moses and Elijah standing with Him. A voice said, “This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!” (Luke 9:28-36). 
Listen to God as most important priority. 

5. Marvel at God’s greatness 
The disciples couldn’t cast out a demon. Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the boy. They were amazed at the greatness of God. Despite receiving great praise for His works, Jesus said the Son of Man would be betrayed by men (Luke 9:37-45). Marvel at God’s greatness, even when betrayed by men.

6. Serve the least
After the disciples argued who would be the greatest,Jesus said they must receive Him like a child since the least is the greatest (Luke 9:46-48). Serve the least and disenfranchised.

7. Partner with other believers
Don’t hinder anyone casting out demons in Christ’s name since he who’s not against you is for you. When the Samaritans didn’t receive Him, Christ said the “Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them” (Luke 9:49-56). Partner with others in the body of Christ for healing.

8. Follow God completely
He told His followers the Son of Man had no home. Let the dead bury their own dead, but proclaim fully and everywhere the kingdom of God. Saying good-bye to your family and not putting your hand to the plow proves unfitness for kingdom of God (Luke 9:57-62). Follow God completely and separate from any hindrances.

Action Steps: Which of the eight ingredients of kingdom ministry will you put into practice this coming week?

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