I remember getting frustrated with dating. Once I surrendered that area to God, I met Karen and she became my wife. We recently celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. God may want you to surrender an area of your life–job, family member, interest, hobby, ministry, possession or strong conviction–so He can have full access and allow you grow closer to Him.  

After various trials, God gave Abraham a final exam by testing Abraham’s character. He passed with flying colors  when Abraham offered Isaac, his only son whom he loved  passionately and affectionately, as a burnt offering in total surrender to God (Gen. 22:1-6).

Abraham believed God would provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering as he walked together with Isaac. He built the altar, bound his son Isaac and took the knife to slay him (Gen. 22:8-10). Obedience is more important than sacrifice. 

The angel of the Lord called specifically to Abraham from heaven and  said, “For I know that you fear God” (Gen. 22:11-12). 

Abraham called the name of that place, The Lord Will Provide, which literally means that God sees, takes heed and fully attends to our needs (Gen. 22:14).  Even though your obedience to God will sometimes appear to jeopardize your family’s welfare, you must walk together to maintain vital connection with them.

Then the angel of Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven (Gen. 22:15). God speaks and is fully aware of you in time and space. You are not alone in this universe.

Abraham’s obedience enabled God to bless and greatly multiply his descendants so they could possess the gate of their enemies (Gen. 22:16-18). As you surrender those things most dear to you in complete trust and obedience to God, not only will your character be refined, you will be entrusted with greater kingdom impact in your ministries.

What area of your life (job, family member, interest, hobby, ministry, possession or strong conviction) does God want you to surrender to restore intimacy with Him. Pray something like this: “Lord, I realize I have made a god of ________. I surrender it to You as an act of my will. I want You have first place in my life. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. 

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