Seven Modern Sins:
1.  Politics without principles
2.  Pleasures without conscience
3.  Wealth without work
4.  Knowledge without character
5.  Industry without morality
6.  Science without humanity
7.  Worship without sacrifice (Canon Frederic Donaldson). Proverbs 17 explains how righteous speech produces blessings in all areas of life.  

Righteousness Produces Holistic Riches
Righteous character and wisdom trumps riches and strife because they produce quietness, vocational responsibilities and financial provision  (Prov. 17:1-3). Righteous character produces personal, vocational and financial blessings. 

Wickedness Produces Perverse Speech
Wicked character and speech has the following characteristics:
1.  Listens to wicked lips and falsehood
2.  Mocks the poor
3.  Rejoices at calamity
4.  Lying speech
5.  Takes bribes
6.  Repeats a matter to hurt friendships
7.  Returns evil for good
8.  Justifies the wicked and condemns the righteous
9.  No sense
10. Co-signs loans
11.  Loves transgression and strife
12. Perverts language and crooked mind 
13. Perverts way of justice (Prov. 17:4-5,7-9,13,15-16,18-20,23). The wicked lies, loves transgression and perverts language. 

Righteousness Produces Family Riches
Grandchildren are the crown of old men. The glory of sons is their fathers. In contrast, the father of a fool has grief and no joy. The mother of a fool has bitterness (Prov. 17:21,25). Fathers are the glory of sons while grandchildren are the crown of old men. 

Righteousness Produces Measured Speech
Righteous character and speech have the following characteristics:
1.  Covers a transgression seeks love
2.  Rebukes understanding man
3.  Abandons a quarrel before it breaks out
4.  Friend loves at all time
5.  Brother is born for adversity
6.  Joyful heart is good medicine
7.  Wisdom
8.  Understanding
9.  Restrains words have knowledge
10. Cool spirit has understanding
11. Closes lips is prudent (Prov. 17:9-10,14,17,22,24,27-28). The righteous covers a transgression, abandons a quarrel and restrains words.

Examine your character:
1. Do you watch what you say?
2. Do you cover a transgression, abandon a quarrel and restrain your words?
3. Do you prioritize your job as a father or grandfather, mother or grandmother?
4. Do you see God’s blessings in your personal, vocation and financial life?

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