Alexander the Great was not satisfied, even when he had completely subdued the nations. He wept because there were no more worlds to conquer, and he died at an early age in a state of debauchery.

Hannibal, who filled three bushels with the gold rings taken from the knights he had slaughtered, committed suicide by swallowing poison. Few noted his passing, and he left this earth completely unmourned.

Julius Caesar, staining his garments in the blood of one million of his foes, conquered 800 cities, only to be stabbed by his best friends at the scene of his greatest triumph.

Napoleon, the feared conqueror, after being the scourge of Europe, spent his last years in banishment. (Pulpit Resource, G.S. Bowles)
They failed to live out Christ’s purpose in life. In my last blog, we saw that Jesus told Peter. Andrew, James, and John to follow Him to become fishers of men (Matthew 4:17-22). They lived out Christ’s purpose in life. We can learn at least four principles from real fishermen on how to become a fisher of men.

Patience and Perseverance
It takes many hours to catch a fish. The same is true in sharing our faith. Jesus went throughout Galilee teaching in the synagogues, preaching good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness (severe pain, demon-possessed, epileptics and paralytics). Patience and perseverance resulted in large crowds following him (Matthew 4:23-25)

Because of the crowd, four men cut an opening in the roof above Jesus. They lowered a mat a paralyzed man was lying on to bring him before Jesus (Mark 2:1-5). They showed great patience and perseverance.

Good instincts
We must go to certain spots where fish are biting and be ready to catch them. Jesus told Levi, a tax collector, to follow Him. Jesus ate at his house with other sinners. He didn’t call the righteous, but the humble who knew their sin (Mark 2:13-17). Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit to minister in Galilee (Luke 4:14Matthew 4:23-25). Sensitivity to the timing and leading of the Holy Spirit enables one to take advantage of spur-of-the-moment opportunities.

A good fisherman knows his tools: how to cast out his line, and right bait and timing for certain kinds of fish. Similarly, fishers of men have the Word of God and Holy Spirit’s leading for their tools. Jesus said His mission was walking in the Holy Spirit and proclaiming good news/liberty to four categories of people: poor (helpless, brokenhearted, no wealth, position, or influence); captives (unable to be free from bad habits, physical addiction, lust for money, and ways of the world); blind (spiritually blind, unbelief, and prideful); and oppressed (beaten and broken down by worldly authorities) (Luke 4:18-19).

Know how to work together.
When a fish is hooked, your buddy stands by with a net. Jesus sent out His disciples in twos (Mark 6:7Luke 10:1). As one person shares, the other person can pray.
Jesus’ told His disciples to let down their nets in the deep for a catch. So many fish caused their nets to break (Luke 5:1-11). Discover these four principles in this passage: patience and perseverance, good instincts, skill, and know how to work together.

Overcome your fear and fulfill your purpose to preach the gospel because people are going to hell without Christ (Luke 4:43; 5:10).

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