To see prosperity and influence, one must acknowledge God’s reign, confess sins, exalt Him, humble yourself, trust His sovereignty and protection, and worship the King of Kings. Then God’s kingdom will come in His time to remove prideful leaders and enable you to endure trials. 

Acknowledge God’s Reign and Confess Sins
Daniel revealed to Nebuchadnezzar in his dream that he was the large tree   in the middle of the land with abundant fruit where beasts found shelter. His dominion extended to the distant parts of the earth. The Most High issued a decree to drive Nebuchadnezzar away from people, be drenched with dew and given the mind of an animal to eat grass like cattle. Seven times would pass until he acknowledged the Most High as sovereign over men’s kingdom given to whoever He wished.  The iron and bronze roots remaining in the ground represented his kingdom being restored when he acknowledged that Heaven ruled. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar to renounce his sins by doing right and being kind to the oppressed so his prosperity would continue (Dan. 4:1-27). Acknowledge God’s reign and confess sins for prosperity. 

Exalt God and Humble Yourself
Twelve months later the king said his mighty power built the royal residence for his glory.  A voice from heaven said the dream would be fulfilled with his royal authority taken away. At the end of that time, God restored Nebuchadnezzar’s sanity and returned the honor and splendor of his kingdom. God’s dominion and kingdom endured across generations. Every person was regarded as nothing with God doing as He pleased. His advisers sought him out and restored his throne greater than before. Nebuchadnezzar praised, exalted and glorified the King of heaven because everything He did was right and His ways were just. He humbled those who walked in pride (Dan. 4:28-37). Exalt God and humble yourself for influence.

Trust God’s Sovereignty to Remove Prideful Leaders
While Belshazzar gave a banquet for 1000 nobles, drank wine and praised the gods of gold and silver, a human hand wrote on the wall terrifying the king. Daniel said God gave his father Nebuchadnezzar a high position but when his heart became arrogant and prideful, he was stripped of his glory and lived with animals until he acknowledged Him as sovereign over the kingdoms of men. Because Belshazzar set himself against the Lord of heaven, the writing said God numbered the days of his reign, found wanting and his kingdom was given to the Medes and Persians. Daniel was proclaimed the third highest ruler in the kingdom. Belshazzar was killed and Darius the Mede took over the kingdom (Dan. 5:1-31). Trust God’s sovereignty to remove prideful rulers.

Trust God’s Protection to Endure Trials
Darius appointed Daniel as one of the three administrators over 120 satraps. Because he distinguished himself by his exceptional qualities, the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. No one could find corruption since he was trustworthy and not negligent. Even though a decree said no one could worship any god except the king, Daniel prayed three times a day with the windows opened toward Jerusalem. After being thrown in the lion’s den, Darius called out anxiously to determine if Daniel’s God was able to rescue him from the lions. He answered that the angels shut the lions’ mouths finding no wound because he trusted in God. He threw the false accusers in the lions’ den along with their wives and children. Darius issued a decree that everyone must fear the living God of Daniel whose kingdom and dominion never ended. He prospered during the reign of Darius and Cyrus the Persian (Dan. 6:1-28). Trust God’s protection while enduring trials. 

Worship King of Kings Whose Kingdom Continues Forever
In a dream, Daniel saw four great beasts. The first was like a lion with wings of an eagle, second like a bear with three ribs in its mouth, third like a leopard with four wings like a bird and four heads given authority to rule, and a fourth powerful beast with large iron teeth that devoured its victims along with ten horns. A little horn uprooted three of the first horns that spoke boastfully about the Ancient of Days sitting on His throne flaming with fire where countless number stood before Him and the books opened. The beast was killed and thrown into the blazing fire. Others were stripped of their authority but allowed to live for a period of time. One like the son of man approached the Ancient of Days and given authority, glory and sovereign power with men of every language worshiping him. His dominion would never be destroyed (Dan. 7:1-14). Worship King of Kings and Lord of Lords whose kingdom continues forever. 

Expect God’s Kingdom Coming to Earth in His Time
Daniel interpreted the four great beasts as four kingdoms rising from the earth. The saints of the Most High would possess the kingdom forever. He saw the horn waging war and defeating the saints until the Ancient of Days pronounced judgment in favor of the saints when the time came to possess the kingdom. The fourth beast was the fourth kingdom that devoured and crushed the earth. The ten horns were ten kings coming from this kingdom with one subduing three kings. He spoke against the Most High, oppressed His saints, tried to change laws and had saints handed over to him for 3 1/2 years. His power was destroyed and God’s kingdom given to the saints eternally with every ruler worshiping and obeying Him (Dan. 7:15-28). Expect God’s kingdom coming to earth in His time. 

Pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven to experience prosperity and influence.

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