Man’s kingdom consists of outcomes and performance gained through human effort. God’s kingdom consists of obedience motivated by Christ through prayer. Planning and accountability mean everything in man’s kingdom. In contrast, prayer and God’s Word revolutionize planning and accountability, which lead to transformation of people in Christ.  The currency of God’s kingdom is not money, but obedience. 
Zaccheus, a rich chief tax-gatherer who was small in stature, climbed in a  sycamore tree to see Jesus who was in a crowd. He looked up and said for Zaccheus to come down as He must stay in his house. People grumbled that a sinner entertained Jesus. Zaccheus said he would give half of his possessions to the poor and give back four times as much to those he defrauded. Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Lk. 19:1-10). Your mission is to seek and transform people in the power of Christ. 

Jesus told a parable about a nobleman who gave ten minas to each of his ten slaves so they could do business until he returned. Citizens hated him and sent a delegation saying they didn’t want him to reign over them. After the nobleman returned, he called his slaves to learn what business they did. The first said his ten minas made ten minas more. The nobleman (master) commended the slave over his faithfulness and gave him authority over ten cities. The second made five minas and given authority over five cities. The third hid his mina in a handkerchief because he was afraid. The master said to take away the mina and give it to the one who had ten minas since he should have at least collected interest by putting it in a bank (Lk. 19:11-27). Increased resources are  given to obedient stewards of God’s kingdom while disobedient ones experience spiritual and physical death.

Jesus told two disciples to bring a tied and unused colt and say to those who asked, ‘The Lord has need of it.’ With Jesus on the colt, a multitude of disciples praised God saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” When Pharisees said He should rebuke His disciples, Jesus responded, “if these become silent, the stones will cry out!” (Lk. 19:28-40).  The currency of God’s kingdom is Jesus as King motivating obedience.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they rejected the peace He offered since He was hidden from their eyes. In the future, enemies would destroy their families because they didn’t recognize His coming (Lk. 19:41-44). Rejecting Jesus causes destruction and lack of peace.

He entered the temple and cast out those who were selling saying His house shall be a house of prayer, but they made it a robbers’ den (Lk. 19:45-46). Foundation of prayer empowers obedience.  

Jesus taught daily in the temple but religious and influential men tried to destroy Him. In contrast, all the people were hanging upon His words (Lk. 19:47-48).  Listening to God’s word provides content for obedience.

Instead of performance, watch God work as you spend time in His word, pray Scripture back to Him and obey what He tells you to do in seeking and saving the lost as He provides resources for kingdom business. 

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