Personal identity in answering the question, “who am I?” is what makes you unique or different from others. It is the way you see or define yourself, including the network of values and convictions that structure your life. A proper personal identity is dependent on knowing God’s benefits and great love for you. Personal identity is not based on what you do, but who you are in Christ. Psalms 101-102 explains the process or checklist on how to overcome worthless things that you hear, see, say or do, which undermines your personal identity. Ps. 103 explains how to sustain a personal identity centered in Christ’s character.  

Remember His Fantastic Benefits
Personal identity originates from your inner being. A Christ-centered identity is built by remembering the following benefits: 
1. God pardons all your iniquities 
2. God heals all your diseases 
3. God redeems and releases you from destruction
4. God crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion
5. God satisfies your desire with excellent things
6. God renews your youth like the eagle (Ps. 103:1-5). 

Remember His Large Love
The Lord performs righteous deeds for the oppressed. Just as He made known His ways to Moses, He does for you. God’s compassion and grace removes all your transgressions. His love is as high as the heavens above the earth or as far as the east from the west. His love is like a father’s compassion for His children. God keeps His expectations low since He knows we are dust (Ps. 103:6-14). 

Remember His Eternal Love
Our life is short like grass or wind but God’s lovingkindness is eternal for those who fear Him and do His precepts (Ps. 103:15-18).  

Respond in Obedience to God’s Sovereign Rule and Reign 
The Lord rules over everything from His heavenly throne because He is sovereign. Just as angels obey His word, everyone who serves Him do likewise. Bless (bend the knee) the Lord with your soul (inner being) (Ps. 103:19-22). 

How does God’s great love change how you view yourself? How does God’s great love change your view of obedience?

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