People try various strategies in dealing with their extreme pain. These include over-eating, smoking, alcohol, drugs, sex, busyness, television, social media, and accomplishments. Israel experienced severe pain when Babylon conquered and removed them from Jerusalem, the place where God dwelt. God shared an alternative strategy in dealing with extreme pain.  

We wept by the rivers of Babylon when we remembered Zion. Our captors and tormentors demanded we sing songs of Zion. May my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I don’t exalt Jerusalem about my chief joy. How blessed will be the one who repays Babylon for their destruction of Jerusalem (Ps. 137:1-9). Exalt God in your extreme pain.

I give thanks heartily for His love and truth since God has magnified His word together with His name. He answers prayer and makes me bold with strength in my soul (Ps. 138:1-3). Claim God’s promises in prayer to have strength and boldness. 

Every king gives thanks and sings of the Lord’s ways when they hear His words. The Lord’s glory is great and He regards the lowly. He revives and saves me from the wrath of my enemies. The Lord accomplishes what concerns me. Because His lovingkindness is eternal, He won’t forsake me (Ps. 138:4-8). Humble yourself so God’s purposes can be accomplished in your life and the world.

God knows everything about you, even before doing something. He is present everywhere in the universe. He leads and works on my behalf in both darkness and light  (Ps. 139:1-12). Submit to God’s leadership because He knows you and is present everywhere. 

God weaves me in my mother’s womb. I give thanks because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I was made skillfully and secretly in the depths of the earth. God ordained the number of days I will live. How precious and vast are God’sare  (Ps. 139:13-18). Thank God for His design, sovereignty and thoughts in and for your life. 

Ask Him to slay the wicked who speak against God. I hate and loathe those who hate Him (Ps. 139:19-22). Agree with God in hating sin and wickedness. 

Ask Him to search and know your heart. God will examine your anxious thoughts and way of pain so He can lead you forever (Ps. 139:23-24). Let God search and know your heart so He can lead you always.  

When you are experiencing pain, follow this checklist:
1. Exalt God in your extreme pain
2. Claim God’s promises in prayer to have strength and boldness
3. Humble yourself so God’s purposes can be accomplished your life and world

4. Submit to God’s leadership because He knows you and is present everywhere
5. Thank God for His design, sovereignty and thoughts in and for your life
6. Agree with God in hating sin and wickedness
7. Let God search and know your heart so He can lead you always

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