Sadhu Sundar Singh wrote, “It is not necessary that every single member of the body should become useless and weak before death occurs. A weakness of, or a blow upon, the heart or the brain will suffice to bring an end to life, however strong and healthy other parts of the body may be. Thus one sin by its poisonous effect on the mind and heart is sufficient to ruin the spiritual life not of one only, but of a whole family or nation, even of the whole race. Such was the sin of Adam.” Sin begins the moment we are born. Sin spreads through the body of Christ like leprosy in the human body. Therefore, deal seriously with sin in your life and the body of Christ before it crushes you like a boulder.

A woman giving birth to a male child would be unclean for seven days in her menstruation and on the eighth day he would be circumcised. For 33 days, she remained in the blood of her purification where she could not touch any consecrated thing. For female child, she would be unclean for two weeks and remain in the blood of her purification for 66 days (Lev. 12:1-5). God provides time for bonding to deal with original sin in your children.

When her purification was complete, she brought the child to the priest along with one-year-old lamb for burnt offering and young pigeon or turtledove for a sin offering to make atonement and cleansed from the flow of her blood (Lev. 12:6-8). God wants complete surrender to Him as you confront your children’s sin nature.

When man had swelling or a scab and it became leprosy, he was brought to Aaron the priest or his sons to pronounce unclean if the infection was deeper than the skin of his body. If not, he would isolate him for seven days. If the infection had faded and the mark had not spread, the priest announced him clean and washed his clothes. If a leper had an infection, he tore his clothes, uncovered the hair of his head and cried, “Unclean! Unclean!” He would remain unclean all the days he had infection. He would live alone in a dwelling outside the camp. If a garment had a mark, the priest would quarantine it for seven days. If the mark spread, he would burn the article. If the mark had not spread, the priest ordered him to wash the article and quarantine for seven more days. If the mark had departed when you washed it, then it would be washed a second time and be clean (Lev. 13:1-59). Confess and forsake sin so it does not spread through the whole body of Christ.

The priest would go outside the camp to the leper, which was the law of the leper in the day of cleansing. If the infection was healed, the priest took two live clean birds, cedar wood, scarlet string and hyssop, while dipping them and the live bird in the blood of the bird that was slain over the running water. The priest sprinkled seven times the one who was to be cleansed from leprosy, pronounced him cleansed and let the live bird go free. The one to be cleansed washed his clothes, shaved his hair and bathed in water for cleansing. He could enter the camp but stayed outside his tent for seven days (Lev. 14:1-9). Christ’s death on the cross deals with the sin problem so one can become a new creation in Him.

On the eighth day, he took two male lambs without defect, yearly ewe and 3/10 of ephah of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering and one log of oil. The priest took one male goat for the guilt offering with the log of oil and presented them as a wave offering before the Lord. The priest took the blood of the guilt offering and put it on the right ear lobe of the one to be cleansed along with the thumb of his right hand, big toe of his right foot and  poured the log of oil into his left palm. The priest dipped his  right hand finger into the oil from his left palm to sprinkle it seven times before the Lord. Put remaining oil on right ear lobe, thumb of right hand and big toe of right foot and remainder on the head of one to be cleansed to make atonement before the Lord. The priest made sin, burnt and grain on the altar to make atonement for him (Lev. 14:10-20).  Identify with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection in the power of the Holy Spirit so the members of your body don’t yield to sin.

If he is poor with insufficient means, he should take one male lamb for guilt offering and 1/10 of ephah of fine flour mixed with oil for grain offering and two turtledoves for sin, burnt and grain offering to make atonement. This is the law for those whose means were limited for his cleansing (Lev. 14:21-32). Everyone can experience wholeness in Christ by walking in newness of life.

When you entered Canaan given as a possession and God put a mark of leprosy on a house, the owner told the priest and he ordered its contents to be emptied. If marks were deeper than the wall’s surface, the house would be quarantined for seven days. After inspection, all uncleaned surfaces would be scraped. The stones and plaster would be replaced and the house cleansed with a process similar to a leper. This is the law for any mark of leprosy—scale, garment, house, swelling, scab or bright spot–to teach when they were unclean or clean (Lev. 14:33-57). Teach others the connection between physical and spiritual health.

Ask yourself these questions:
1. What is your attitude to sin? 
2. Do you live with sin or are you proactive in applying the blood of Christ by confessing and forsaking sin?  
3. Do you prevent the spread of sin in the body of Christ by personal ministry in others’ lives?

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