I remember the sinking feeling taking tests in schools when I hadn’t studied sufficiently. Not being prepared gets us in trouble. Most experts agree the federal government wasn’t prepared to help the multitudes of hungry, thirsty and desperate victims of Hurricane Katrina. It scrimped on storm spending and shifted its attention from dealing with natural disasters to fighting terrorism. Many residents never received promised help. The FEMA Director had no disaster experience before being appointed to his job. Federal flood control spending was also decreased before Katrina. In 2004, the Army Corps of Engineers stopped major work on the now-breached levee system that had protected New Orleans from flooding. Will we be prepared for an even greater event, the Second Coming of Christ? 

A time of national crises throughout the world including war, natural disasters and famine will occur during the time between Christ’s death and His Second Coming (Matt. 24:4-8) (The New American Commentary, pg. 353).

Perseverance will be at a premium because of persecution, apostasy, shallow faith, false prophets and coldness in one’s faith (Matt. 24:9-13). 

The Gospel of the Kingdom will be widely preached throughout the world (Matt. 24:14).

Christ answered the disciples’ first question about signs for the temple’s destruction, which occurred in AD 70 (Matt. 24:15-20)(The New American Commentary, pg. 357).

The time of more intense tribulation will occur immediately prior to Christ’s Second Coming (Matt. 24:21-28). Rev. 7:14 indicates a period of intensified horrors before the Second Coming (The New American Commentary, pgs. 359-360).

Christ will return after this ‘tribulation’ period as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Matt. 24:30-31; Rev. 19:11-16) (The New American Commentary, pg. 361).

Why are you unprepared for Christ’s coming? 
It could be apathy, busyness, distraction, worldliness or deception.

Confess why you are unprepared for Christ’s Second Coming. Meditate on 2 Tim. 4:8 that gives a reward for those who love Christ’s coming. 

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