Finding the right life partner in marriage involves both human and divine factors. On the divine side, I asked God to show me the right woman to be my wife after surrendering my right to a wife. On the human side, I joined a church and attended an after-church fellowship of young people where I met my future wife, Karen. If I hadn’t prayed or decided to stay home, I wouldn’t have met her. Understanding these principles are vital so you don’t become a statistic where one out of two marriages end in divorce and the online dating industry is worth $4 billion worldwide. The following factors we observe in Gen. 24 alternate between divine and human as Abraham desired a wife for his son, Isaac.

Commitment to God’s Plan
Abraham told his servant to find a wife for his son, Isaac, among his relatives and not from the Canaanites. When his servant expressed concern whether the woman would follow him, Abraham said, “Beware lest you take my son back there” (Gen. 24:1-6).  Cover all the bases to obtain God’s choice of a wife and don’t settle for the world’s plan to be unequally yoked spiritually and emotionally.

Male Takes Initiative 
Abraham demanded that his servant follow his directions completely on how to locate a wife for Isaac (Gen. 24:2b,9). Men take the initiative in finding a wife since the woman is the rib taken from him and God “brought her to the man” (Gen. 2:22).

Faith in Divine Oversight
Abraham believed God would send His angel to assure his servant would have successful journey in finding a wife for his son (Gen. 24:7b,40).  God fulfills His promises and sovereignly works to accomplish His will in choosing the right wife. He is more interested in your welfare, than you.

Preparation in Financial Matters
Abraham’s servant took ten camels and material items on trip to city of Nahor. Lord greatly blessed Abraham with  flocks, herds, silver, gold and servants (position of honor). Servant gave precious things to Rebekah, her brother and mother (Gen. 24:10; 35-36,53).  A husband’s sufficient financial preparation encourages his wife’s family of a stable marriage for their daughter.

Prayer List of Character Qualities
The servant prayed for success and lovingkindness be shown toward Abraham in finding a wife for his son.  He was standing by the spring (fountain of water) where daughters of men of city were drawing water. He asked God to reveal the woman who said, “Please let down your jar so I may drink,” and who answered, “Drink, and I will water your camels also,” to be the one whom God had appointed for Isaac. The one chosen, Rebekah, was very beautiful and a virgin. The servant glorified God by saying, “Blessed be Lord who has not forsaken His lovingkindness and truth as Lord has guided me” (Gen. 24:12-14,27). As you pray and search wisely, God will lead you to a godly, servant-hearted mate.

Be Available in Public
Isaac went out to meditate in the field at night, lifted up his eyes and saw the camels coming. Rebekah lifted up her eyes and saw Isaac. In answer to her question, the servant said Isaac was his master (Gen. 24:63-65). Be available to meet people in public and don’t isolate yourself from potential mates.

How can you share these factors with someone in the dating phase? If you are already married, how can you apply these factors to make your marriage stronger?

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