I have always enjoyed the underdog in sporting events. I usually root for the team not picked to win. This is why people enjoy movies like Rocky where a boxer overcomes great odds to become a champion. 

Jephthah was also an underdog since he was a son of a harlot along with being a valiant warrior. His father’s sons said he couldn’t receive an inheritance because he was a son of another woman. This slight caused Jephthath to flee and gather worthless fellows around him (Judges 11:1-3). Rejection by our family of origin can motivate a person to develop leadership skills for spiritual battle.

Gilead’s elders asked Jephthah to lead the fight against Ammon. It surprised him that they would be asking for his help because of their condescending attitude. They assured Jephthath that he would truly become their head  (Judges 11:6-10). 

When he asked Ammon’s king why they would fight Gilead, the king said, “Because Israel took away my land when they came up from Egypt, . . . therefore, return them peacefully now” (Judges 11:12-13).
Jephthah said Edom and Moab did not let them pass through the land. For 300 years, they hadn’t taken action while they lived in the land. Because Israel had not sinned, making war against them would be wrong (Judges 11:17-27). Those in leadership must communicate a rationale for spiritual battle before people will follow them.

Jephthah made a vow, “If give Ammon into my hand, whatever comes out of my house when I return, I will offer up as burnt offering” (Judges 11:29-31). Think carefully before making vows in the spiritual battle to ward off potential tragic  consequences.

Jephthah fought against Ammon and Lord gave them into his hand. He struck them with a great slaughter in 20 cities (Judges 11:32-33). God provides valor and strength in the spiritual battle.

Glory in the fact that you have been been chosen before the creation of the world to be holy and predestined as adopted sons of God through Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:4-5).

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