I used to think everything was black or white. While growing older, I discovered much gray. Because reality contains complexity and nuances, issues of life don’t fit common stereotypes. God told Micah to follow three things because they were good for him: do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God in a society where the rich were oppressing the poor, merchants cheated their customers and true prophets were told to keep quiet because of corrupt religious and judicial leaders (Micah 6:8). Judges 14 shows the interplay between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. In this next chapter, Judges 15, we see how Samson’s strong relationship with God provides the foundation for living in a sinful and complex world. 

Samson visited his wife and her father did not let him enter, but offered her younger sister instead. Out of love for his wife, Samson said, “This time I will be blameless in regard to Philistines when I do them harm.” He caught 300 foxes and tied them tail to tail and set fields on fire. He slaughtered the Philistines after they burned his wife and her father. Men of Judah then bound and gave Samson into the hands of the Philistines (Judges 15:1-13). Let love of God and others motivate acts of righteousness when injustice occurs. 

The Spirit of Lord came upon Samson mightly so ropes on his arms were as flax burned with fire and bonds melted from his hands. He killed 1000 men with a jawbone (Judges 15:14-15). God provides the power for spiritual victory when you maintain strong personal relationship with Him.

Samson said, “With jawbone of donkey, heaps upons heaps, with jawbone of a donkey I have killed a 1000 men.” When he finished speaking, he named that place, ‘high place of jawbone’ (Judges 15:16-17). Testifying of God’s power or designating objects to signify spiritual victories helps  you our remembrance of them. 

When Samson became very thirsty, he  reminded the Lord of His great deliverance and asked whether he would die of thirst and fall into the hands of the Philistines. God immediately answered his prayer by splitting the hollow place so water came out. When he drank, Samson’s strength returned and he revived. He named the place, ‘Spring of him who called.’ Samson judged Israel 20 years in days of Philistines (Judges 15:18-20). Calling upon God when we experience physical or spiritual thirst leads to strength and revival.

Consider the following: 
1. What injustice is God calling you to act upon (ex. economic poverty, domestic violence, human trafficking, homelessness, fatherlessness, child abuse, immigration reform, racism, unemployment, substance abuse, divorce, abortion, bullying, gang activity, teenage pregnancy, environment, basic hygiene, etc.)
2. Build yourself up on your most holy faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God and wait anxiously for the mercy of Christ to eternal life (Jude 20-21). 

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