What you value makes all the difference. I have seen firsthand how the love of money adversely affect family relationships. Anxiety, fear and lack of peace occur when money has more value than a relationship with God. In Gen. 31, see how Jacob’s family suffered the consequences of loving money more than God and what to do about it.

Laban’s sons said Jacob took away all their father’s belongings and wealth.  Laban stopped being friendly with him.  God told Jacob to return to his father’s land and promised He would be with him. He told his two wives that he served Laban with all his strength, but he cheated and changed his wages 10 times, although God protected him from hurt (Gen. 31:1-7).

Jacob recounted a dream where all the male goats mating were striped, speckled and mottled. God saw all that Laban was doing to him (Gen. 31:11-12God takes a personal interest and sees everything happening in your life.

He reminded Jacob that “I am God of Bethel where you anointed a pillar and made a vow to Me.” He told him to leave and return to the land of his birth. Rachel and Leah  were concerned about money and their inheritance (Gen. 31:13-15). God continues to reveal Himself in your life so you deem Him of more value than money.

Rachel stole the household idols, which was the deed of ownership to her family’s goods. Jacob deceived Laban by not telling him that he was fleeing (Gen. 31:19-20). The word, deceived, means to “steal the heart.” What we love or value comes from your heart.

While pursuing Jacob, God came to Laban in a dream to not speak either good or bad to him. Laban asked why he deceived, carried away his daughters like captives and stoled his gods? Jacob answered that he was afraid even though he didn’t know that Rachel had stolen them (Gen. 31:22-32). God’s ultimate purpose is to remove fear so you surrender to Him as Lord of your life so money does not control you.

After Laban searched for the gods, Jacob became angry and said, “What is my transgression? What is my sin, that you have hotly pursued me?” (Gen. 31:33-36). Love of money emotionally separates relationships with your family by hindering open and honest communication.

Jacob recounted to Laban: “These 20 years, your ewes and female goats have not miscarried and I bore the loss. I have served you 14 years for your two daughters and six years for your flock and you changed my wages ten times. If God of my father and fear of Isaac had not been with me, surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed. God has seen my affliction and toil of my hands so He rendered judgment last night” (Gen. 31:38-42). God is always faithful and allows you to experience painful job experiences so you exchange love of money with a heart of surrender to God’s will. 

Laban and Jacob made a covenant that he would not to mistreat his daughters or take another wife (Gen. 31:43-50). Agreements with others provide accountability to continue fulfilling God’s objectives from the heart.

Jesus instructs you to lay up treasures in heaven instead of those on earth like money. What’s in your heart determines your treasure. To change your heart to value heaven’s treasure, you need to spend sufficient time feeding on the bread of life found in God’s word, symbolized by Jacob eating bread and spending the night on the mountain (Gen. 31:54; Matt. 6:19-24; John 6:35).

Ask God to search your heart by rating yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being least true of you and 10 being most true of you)
1. I think a lot about money
2. I’m anxious whether there will be enough money to pay my bills.
3. I often don’t help meet people’s financial needs because of fear
4. I compare myself with those who have more money than me.
5. I find myself buying more possessions than I really need
6. I must get the latest or best model whether it’s a car, electronic gadget or appliance.
Add up your score. If it is higher than 42, meditate on Matt. 6:19-24 and ask God to give you a heart focused on obtaining treasure in heaven

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