With budget cuts, how will peoples’ needs be met? The days of relying on the government are gone. The church will need to step up. Incentives in promoting personal responsibility along with private and public partnerships must be forged so people can live successfully, with dignity and fulfillment. How can we maximize business and service opportunities? Let’s follow Joseph’s wisdom in learning these lessons. 

Joseph told Pharaoh that his father and brothers had arrived in Goshen from Canaan. Pharaoh asked five of Joseph’s brothers their occupation. They answered that they were shepherds and wanted to live in Goshen. Pharaoh asked if they knew any capable men who could be in charge of his livestock. Joseph presented his brothers and Jacob to Pharaoh. Jacob told Pharaoh his life had been unpleasant and hadn’t attained the years of his fathers. Pharaoh ordered Jacob and his sons to take possession of Egypt’s best in the land of Rameses.  Joseph provided his father, brothers and household with food according to their little ones (Gen. 47:1-12). Create financial partnerships between the church, government and other sectors to further the goals of each.

Egypt and Canaan languished because of famine. Joseph presented money to Pharaoh from all the grain purchased by Egyptian and Canaanite citizens. Egyptians begged Joseph asking for food after they spent all their money. He exchanged their livestock for food. After their livestock was exhausted, they offered their land to be purchased so they could be slaves to Pharaoh. They also requested seed so they could live and the land not be desolate (Gen. 47:13-19). Government and other entities can provide incentives to reward diligence so people can lead productive and healthy lives.

Joseph purchased all of Egypt’s land so it became Pharaoh’s. Everyone moved to the cities except the priests who lived on an allotment of land. After buying their land, Joseph gave seed so people could sow and harvest the land. They gave 20% to Pharaoh and kept 80% as seed and for food to sustain their families. The people credited Joseph for saving their lives and were willing to be Pharaoh’s slaves. Joseph made a statute that Pharaoh should have 20% and priests maintain ownership of their land (Gen. 47:20-26).  Seed money enables people to start businesses, which boost self-esteem and the economy.

Israel acquired property in Goshen and were fruitful. After Jacob asked that Joseph bury him in Canaan where his father was buried, Israel bowed in worship (Gen. 47:27-31). Never forget God’s promises and your eternal hope in heaven as you meet temporal needs.

Consider these questions: 
1. In your work or ministry, how can you partner with others to fulfill the goals of each in time, talent and treasure?

2. How can you offer incentives so people take responsibility for their lives?
3. How can you use investment dollars to help businesses and ministries maximize their impact?
4. What can you do to increase your spiritual disciplines so God is the one who is glorified?

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