What is the road to abundance and prosperity? Most people think the pathway is hard work and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. This mentality even infects the church. God has a different way if you are willing to meet His conditions. It begins with brokennness and humility and sustained through prayer and seeking God’s face.

Here is an example of what prayer like this can do. The Welch Revival in 1904-05 was so powerful that bars closed down because people stopped going to them. Prison wardens were dismissed because there was no one to put in jail. The whole nation was having revival. Mines were having trouble getting the mules to work because so many of the miners were converted to Christ and the mules only knew how to work when the miners  swore. Miners stopped swearing and the mules didn’t know what to do. Churches overflowed with people who were filled with the Holy Spirit. 

For Christ to be number one and lead your life, you must be broken and humble. Pray that God’s righteousness crushes the evil spiritual forces oppressing you (Ps. 72:1-4).

In awe and reverent prayer, let the peace of Christ saturate your soul like rain upon mown grass so you flourish continually (Ps. 72:5-7). 

Let Christ rule and reign in power as you seek His face, not just for your life but so every person and cultural sector can be the focus as you pray “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Ps. 72:8-11).

Christ delivers and shows compassion to the poor and needy when they cry for help and turn from their wicked ways. He rescues them from oppression and violence (Ps. 72:12-15).

God provides abundance in every part of your life so you will flourish like vegetation on the earth. He blesses you to be a blessing to all nations. God wants every person in the world to call Him blessed (Ps. 72:16-17).

Only God works wonders. He wants His name exalted so all the earth is filled with His glory (Ps. 72:18-20). When Christ is number one, your life will be characterized by righteousness, peace, power, compassion and prosperity. 

To get God’s attention so He hears your prayer, apply 2 Chron. 7:13-16 with humility and prayerfulness and by seeking God’s face and turning from your wicked ways. He will bless you physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and financially. God promises that He will listen–“My eyes shall be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.”

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