“O Be Careful Little Eyes What You See” is the first line from a children’s Sunday School song. The song warns children to be careful what they see, hear, say, and do. We are affected by everything around us such as foods we eat and drink, medicines we take, books and newspapers we read, television we watch, work we do and people we associate with. It affects our bodies and inner being.

I sing praises of God’s lovingkindness and justice while walking in the integrity of my heart. By setting no worthless thing before my eyes, apostasy won’t grip me. I silence slander and won’t endure arrogance from others (Ps. 101:1-5). Don’t allow worthless things come into your heart.  

Those who are faithful will dwell with me and the blameless minister to me. I don’t allow deceit and falsehood  to be  established before my eyes. (Ps. 101: 6-8). Associate with blameless people so you can focus on truth.  

Let God answer quickly my cry for help when distress comes. My bones are scorched like a hearth. My heart has withered away and been smitten like grass. My bones cling to my flesh. I’m like a lonely bird on a housetop (Ps. 102:1-7). Be aware of your emotions as you cry out to God in desperation. 

Like eating ashes as bread or mingling my drink with weeping, my enemies deride and curse me. My days are like a lengthened shadow where I wither away like grass (Ps. 102:8-11). Humble yourself when experiencing challenging outward conditions.

In contrast, the Lord abides forever. When grace comes, nations will fear and see God’s glory. He has regarded my desperate prayer (Ps. 102:12-17). Offer prayer to God in midst of your desperation to receive His grace and glory.

A future generation will praise the Lord. God has looked down from heaven to hear the groaning of the prisoner and sets free those doomed to death so men may know His glory and serve Him (Ps. 102:18-22). Praise God as He sets you free from bondage to serve Him.

Even though my days are short, God who created heaven and earth endures forever. Even though we wear out like a garment, He changes us and allows our descendants to continue on into the future (Ps. 102:23-28). Allow God to transform and enable you to see spiritual descendants.

Examine the following checklist to help you overcome worthless things you may see, hear, say or do:
1. Associate with blameless people so you can focus on truth
2. Be aware of your emotions are you cry out to God in desperation
3. Humble yourself when experiencing challenging outward conditions
4. Offer prayer to God in midst of your desperation to receive His grace and glory
5. Praise God as He sets you free from bondage to serve Him
6. Allow God to transform and enable you to see spiritual descendants

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