Lust or strong sexual desire for someone transfers down from one generation to another. David’s lust of  Bathsheba (2 Sam. 12) set up his son to also make a wrong decision, which resulted in the following chain act sinfully, refuse wise counsel, harm innocent people, cause offense, trigger revenge and reap family problems. 

Wrong Decision
David’s two sons, Absalom and Amnon, had a beautiful sister, Tamar, that the latter loved. Amnon pretended to be ill and asked David for Tamar to come and make cakes so he could eat from her hand (2 Sam. 13:1-6). Lust sets people up to make wrong decisions.

Sinful Act
Amnon refused to eat and had everyone leave except Tamar. He took hold of her and asked that she have sex with him. Tamar begged Amnon to not violate her since she could not remove the reproach and he would a fool in Israel. He didn’t listen and committed incest (2 Sam. 13:7-14). Lust causes sinful acts and the inability to hear wise counsel.

Harm Innocent People
Amnon’s hate for Tamar was greater than his love for her. He told her to go away but she said the wrong in sending her away was greater than his incest. When she was thrown out, Tamar put ashes on her head, tore her long-sleeved garment and cried aloud as she went (2 Sam. 13:15-19). Lust causes hate that harms innocent people.

Cause Offense
Absalom told her to not be concerned as she remained desolate in his house. David was very angry and Absalom hated Amnon (2 Sam. 13:20-22). Violation of someone causes others to take up the offense. 

Trigger Revenge
After two years, Absalom invited all of David’s sons. David allowed Amnon to attend but refused to go even though Absalom urged him. He commanded his servants to kill Amnon when he was drunk, causing David’s sons to flee. David received a false report that Absalom killed all his sons. While he was mourning, Jonadab told him that Amnon alone was dead since Absalom’s intent was revenge after he violated Tamar (2 Sam. 13:23-33). Taking up someone’s offense causes revenge, additional sin and false reports.

Reap Family Problems
When Absalom fled, David’s sons and servants came, mourned and wept bitterly together. David mourned three years everyday for Absalom while he was in Geshur. He longed to go out to Absalom for he was comforted concerning Amnon (2 Sam. 13:34-39). By sowing lust and hate, you reap grief and family problems. 

Before you allow the temptation of lust move to sin, consider the severe family problems that you would reap. Allow another person’s beauty remind you of God’s so you love instead of lust.  

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