God wants His word to fully possess every part of your being. It begins with seeking Him and then obeying Him as we saw in the earlier chapters of Psalm 119 (Part 1). God wants to be your guide, joy and ultimate rest so you don’t have to be concerned about anything. We will examine how to experience God’s attributes through deeper knowledge of His word. 

Teach me good discernment and knowledge since I believe in His commandments. It was good for the afflicted to learn and keep God’s word. The arrogant lie and their heart is covered with fat, but I delight in His law, which is better than 1000s of gold pieces (Ps. 119:65-72). Affliction motivates you to discern, know and obey God’s word.

God’s righteousness, faithfulness, lovingkindness and compassion  provides comfort in affliction so you may live. I fear, meditate and hope in His precepts when the arrogant lie. Give me understanding that I may learn His commandments so my heart is blameless and unashamed (Ps. 119:73-80). Affliction motivates you to learn God’s attributes and gain a blameless heart. 

My soul languishes and eyes fail as I hope in His word. The arrogant dug pits, persecuted me with a lie and almost destroyed me, but I did not forsake His precepts. God’s love revives so may keep the testimony of His mouth (Ps. 119:81-88). Affliction motivates you to be revived in God’s love. 

The wicked try to to destroy me, but I diligently consider His testimonies to stay alive. God’s faithfulness and His authority continue through all generations so I can stand. I seek His precepts because they revive and are exceedingly broad (Ps. 119:89-96). Affliction motivates you to freely stand in God’s authority.

His commandments make me wiser than my enemies, more insightful than my teachers and more understanding than the aged because I observe and meditate on His precepts. I hate and restrain my feet from every false way so I can understand and keep His word. God’s word are sweeter than honey to my taste (Ps. 119:97-104). Affliction motivates you to be restrain your feet from every false way to understand and obey His word.

His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. When the wicked lay a snare, it causes me to be revived by His word. God’s word becomes a joy of my heart as I personally possess and perform His statutes (Ps. 119:105-112). Affliction motivates you to allow God’s word to guide and be your  joy.

I hate the double-minded, but I observe His commandments. God’s hiding place, shield, safety and sustaining grace occur as I regard His statutes continually. God rejects and removes the wicked like dross so I can love His testimonies and fear His judgments (Ps. 119:113-120). Affliction motivates you to rest in the safety of God’s word. 

Experience God’s Attributes through Deeper Knowledge of His Word: 
Emotions Filled with Love & Joy:

1. Discern, know and obey God’s word
2. Learn God’s attributes & gain a blameless heart 
3. Revived in God’s love
4. Freely stand in God’s authority
5. Restrain feet from every false way to understand and obey His word
6. Allow God’s word to guide and be your joy
7. Rest in the safety of God’s word

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