People experience healing after suffering through genuine faith, obeying God redeems them from empty life, growing spiritually by drinking God’s word, becoming a living stone to offer spiritual sacrifices, and enduring injustice while entrusting themselves to Christ. A healed person influences God and their spouse and becomes a peacemaker in various spheres of life through harmony, humility, peace and exalting Christ in his speech.

Show Genuine Faith By Loving Christ and Enduring Suffering
Peter wrote to strangers scattered throughout various provinces chosen according to God’s foreknowledge by the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying work for obedience to Christ and His blood. His great mercy gave them new birth into a living hope through Christ’s resurrection. They received an eternal inheritance reserved in heaven through faith in God’s power. While on earth, they suffered grief in all kinds of trials to refine and prove their faith as genuine and more valuable than gold. By loving and believing in Christ, they brought praise, glory and honor to Him. They were filled with inexpressible and glorious joy leading to the salvation of their souls. The prophets searched intently for the revelation of the sufferings and glory of Christ spoken to them through the gospel (1 Pet. 1:1-12). Show genuine faith by loving Christ, enduring suffering and waiting for your eternal inheritance.

Be Redeemed From an Empty Life by Obeying God
Peter commanded self-control as they prepared their minds for action and set their hope on God’s grace given when Jesus was revealed. Imitating God through a holy life prevented conformity to evil desires when they lived in ignorance. Christ’ precious blood redeemed them from  emptiness and spurred a reverent belief in God who raised Jesus from the dead to glory. Obeying the truth caused purity and sincere love of their brothers. They were born again through the imperishable seed of the living and enduring word of God. All men were like grass that withered but God’s word that was preached stood forever (1 Pet. 1:13-25). Be redeemed from an empty life by obeying God’s word in new birth, purity and sincere love of the brothers.

Grow Spiritually as You Drink God’s Word
Eliminating malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander, they should crave spiritual milk like newborn babies to grow up in their salvation. By coming to the living Stone, they were built up like living stones into a spiritual house as a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices. Those who trusted in Christ, the precious cornerstone, never were put to shame. Those who rejected Him stumbled and fell because they disobeyed the message. As a chosen people, royal priesthood, holy nation and a people belonging to God, they declared His praises who called them out of darkness into His wonderful light. Being aliens and strangers in the world who received mercy as His people meant abstaining from sinful desires that waged war against their soul. When unbelievers saw their good deeds, they glorified God (1 Pet. 2:1-12). Grow spiritually as you drink God’s word and become a living stone offering spiritual sacrifices.

Heal Spiritually by Enduring Injustice
Submission to all human and political authorities silenced ignorant and foolish talk. Being free as a servant of God was not a cover-up for evil. They were to show proper respect, love believers, fear God, honor the king and submit to both good and harsh masters. He called them to suffer for doing good because Christ suffered and left an example for them to follow in His steps. He committed no sin or deceit. When they hurled insults at Christ, He did not retaliate. When He suffered, He made no threats, but entrusted Himself to God who judged justly. Christ bore their sins in His body on the tree so they would die to sin and live for righteousness. His wounds healed them from going astray since they returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of their souls (1 Pet. 2:13-25).
Heal spiritually by enduring injustice and entrusting yourself to Christ.

Influence God and Your Husband By Submission
Submission of wives to their husbands won over disobedient spouses by purity and reverence. Wives’ true beauty came from a gentle and quiet spirit of great worth to God. Sarah called Abraham her master by doing right without fear. Husbands should treat their wives with respect as a weaker partner and heir of the gracious gift of life so nothing would hinder their prayers (1 Pet. 3:1-7). Influence God and your husband by a submissive attitude.

Become a Peacemaker Through Harmony, Humility and Exalting Christ
They inherited a blessing by living in harmony with love, compassion, humility and not repaying evil with evil. To love life and see good days, they kept their tongue from evil and deceitful speech, turned from evil and did good, and pursued peace. God’s eyes were on the righteous being attentive to their prayers. Those who suffered doing right were blessed. They set apart Christ as Lord in their hearts and prepared themselves to give a reason for their hope with gentleness and respect. It shamed those who slandered good behavior in Christ. His resurrection saved them and Christ went into heaven at God’s right hand with angels, authorities and powers submitting to Him (I Pet. 3:8-22). Become a peacemaker through harmony, love, humility, peace and exalting Christ in your speech.

Here is the process for healing: 
1. Show genuine faith by loving Christ, enduring suffering and waiting for your eternal inheritance
2. Be redeemed from an empty life by obeying God’s word in new birth, purity and sincere love of the brothers
3. Grow spiritually as you drink God’s word and become a living stone offering spiritual sacrifices. 
4. Heal spiritually by enduring injustice and entrusting yourself to Christ

Here are the benefits of healing:  
1. Influence God and your husband by a submissive attitude 
2. Become a peacemaker through harmony, love, humility, peace and exalting Christ in your speech

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