The results of proclaiming God’s truth for joyful fellowship include:
1. Walk like Jesus by loving God and others
2. Grow spiritually with forgiven sins, overcome evil one and know God so you don’t love the world
3. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s teaching ministry and prevent being led astray by lies
4. Fix your hope on Christ’s coming to be purified from sin
5. Share material possessions with the needy to show love
6. Receive answered prayer by obeying His commands and pleasing Him through the Holy Spirit

Proclaim God’s Truth for Joyful Fellowship 

They proclaimed the Word of life that was from the beginning. They testified what was heard, seen and touched concerning eternal life. They wanted  others have the joy of fellowship with them and their Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They declared that God was light without darkness. People lied by claiming to have fellowship with Him and not living by the truth. By walking in the light of God, they had fellowship with one another. The blood of Jesus, His Son, purified them from every sin. They deceived themselves and the truth was not in them by claiming to be without sin. If they confessed their sins, He was faithful and just to forgive their sins and purify them from all unrighteousness. They made Him a liar and His word had no place in their lives by claiming they had not sinned (1 John 1:1-10). Proclaim His truth for joyful fellowship with God and others.

Walk Like Jesus By Loving God and Others
John wrote these things so they would not sin. Jesus, the Righteous One and atoning sacrifice for their sins, was their advocate to the Father if they sinned. They knew Him and His love was made complete in them by obeying His commands. Those who walked as Jesus did knew they were in Him. If they claimed to be in the light and hated their brother, they were in darkness. Those who loved their brother lived in the light and nothing made them stumble. By hating their brother, they walked in darkness and were blind (1 John 2:1-11). Walk like Jesus by obeying His commands to love God and others.

Grow Spiritually with Forgiven Sins, Overcome Evil One and Know God
John wrote to his children because their sins were forgiven because of His name. He wrote to fathers because they knew Him who was from the beginning. He wrote to young men because they overcame the evil one. He wrote to his children because they knew the Father. He wrote to fathers because they knew Him who was from the beginning. He wrote to young men because they were strong, word of God lived in them and they overcame the evil one. Those who loved the world or anything in it did not have Father’s love in them. The lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and boasting of what he had or did came not from the Father, but the world. The world and its desires passed away, but those who did God’s will lived forever (1 John 2:12-17). Grow spiritually with forgiven sins, overcome evil one and know God so you don’t love the world.

Listen to Holy Spirit’s Teaching Ministry to Prevent Being Led Astray
Knowing that many antichrists went out from the church proved they were not true believers. The anointing from the Holy One enabled them to know the truth. The liar denied the Father, Son and that Jesus was the Christ. They remained in the Son and Father by making sure they remained in what they heard from the beginning. He promised eternal life. The anointing received from Him taught them all things to prevent being led astray (1 John 2:18-27). Listen to the Holy Spirit’s teaching ministry to prevent being led astray by lies.

Fix Hope on Christ’s Coming for Purification from Sin
Continuing in Christ allowed them to be confident without shame at His coming. The Father lavished His love to be called children of God. The world did not know them because it did not know Him. In the future when Christ appeared again, they would be like Him because they saw Him as He was. Even this hope purified everyone. Those who sinned broke the law. Christ who was without sin appeared to take away sin. People who saw, knew or lived in Him did not continue sinning being righteous like Him. Sinful folks were of the devil since they sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared to destroy the devil’s work. Someone’s new nature could not sin being born of God. Children of the devil sinned being unrighteousness and not loving their brothers (1 John 2:28-3:10). Fix your hope on Christ’s coming to be purified from sin.

Share Material Possessions with Needy to Show Love
Cain belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother because his actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous. The world hated true believers. Loving their brothers proved they passed from death to life. Those who hated their brothers were murderers without eternal life in Him. Laying down one’s life for his brother followed Jesus’ example who laid down his life for them. They showed love by sharing material possessions with their needy brother. Love meant actions and truth, not words or tongue (1 John 3:11-20). Share material possessions with the needy to show love.

Receive Answered Prayer Through Obedience
Those confident before God received anything they asked from Him because they obeyed His commands and did what pleased Him. They knew He lived in them by the Spirit He gave (1 John 3:21-24). Receive answered prayer by obeying His commands and pleasing Him through the Holy Spirit.

Answer the following questions that are results of proclaiming God’s truth for joyful fellowship:
1. Are you walking like Jesus by loving God and others?
2. Are you growing spiritually by having your sins forgiven, evil one overcome and God known so you don’t love the world?

3. Are you listening to the Holy Spirit’s teaching ministry to prevent being led astray by lies?
4. Are you fixing your hope on Christ’s coming to be purified from sin?
5. Are you sharing material possessions with the needy to show love?
6. Are you receiving answered prayer by obeying His commands and pleasing Him through the Holy Spirit?

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