Lack of love and disobedience prompt God’s judgment. He reveals His plans to stop injustice and destroy materialism. These things lead people to seek God by telling the truth, practicing justice, deny complacency to grieve over sin and hate pride. 

Understand God’s Wrath When People Lack Love Toward Others
Amos, a shepherd of Tekoa, said the Lord roared from Zion drying up pastures. He sent wrath against the surrounding nations of Israel like Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom, Ammon and Moab who sinned grossly. God destroyed kings, broke gates, consumed fortresses and exiled people and their kings because they took captive whole communities selling them to other nations while stifling compassion. Ammon ripped open Gilead’s pregnant women to extend his borders  (Amos 1:1-2:3). Understand God’s wrath when people lack love toward others.  

Understand God’s Judgment Over Disobedience, False Gods, Injustice and Stifling Prophesy
God sent wrath against Judah because they rejected without obeying His law, led astray by false gods their ancestors followed and consumed Jerusalem’s fortresses. He sent wrath against Israel because they sold the righteous for silver and needy for a pair of sandals, trampled the poor, denied justice to the oppressed, profaned His holy name by father and son using the same girl and gained money unjustly. God brought them out of Egypt, led them 40 years in the desert, gave them the Amorites’ land and raised  Nazarites as prophets from their young men. They made the Nazirites drink wine and commanded them not to prophesy. God crushed the swift, strong and warriors (Amos 2:4-16). Understand God’s judgment when His people disobey His word, follow false gods, deny justice to the needy and stifling prophesy.

Understand that God Reveals Plans To Stop Injustice and Destroy Materialism
God punished Israel for their sins because they were the only ones He chose from all families of the earth. Two walk together only if they agreed to do so. People trembled when a trumpet sounded in the city. God caused disaster to come into a city. The Sovereign Lord did nothing without revealing His plan to His prophets. They  prophesied when God spoke. Proclaim to Ashdod’s and Egypt’s fortresses that they saw the great unrest and oppression among her people. They did not know how to do right. God said an enemy pulled down their strongholds and plundered their fortresses. He punished Israel for their sins, destroyed Bethel’s altars and destroyed the winter and summer mansions adorned with ivory (Amos 3:1-15). Understand God reveals plans to stop injustice and destroy materialism.

Return to God Through Famine, Economic Hardships and Plagues
God told women who oppressed the poor and asked for drinks from their husbands that He would take them away with fishhooks. When Israelites boasted about their religious sacrifices, God gave them empty stomachs, yet still did not return to Him. He withheld rain when the harvest was three months away giving rain to nearby fields, yet still did not return to Him. God struck their vineyards with blight, mildew and locusts, yet still did not return to Him. He sent plagues and killed their young men, yet still did not return to Him. He overthrew some like Sodom and Gomorrah similar to a burning stick snatched from the fire, yet still did not return to Him. God said, “Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.”  He formed the mountains, created the wind, revealed His thoughts to man, turned dawn to darkness and tread the earth’s high places (Amos 4:1-13). Return to God when He speaks through famine, economic hardships and plagues. 

Seek God By Telling the Truth and Practicing Justice
Only one of ten people marched in Israel’s cities. In seeking God, they lived, but Gilgal would go into exile and Bethel reduced to nothing. They despised him who told the truth and forced the poor to give them grain. Their stone mansions remained empty and not drink wine from their lush vineyards. They oppressed the righteous, took bribes and deprived the poor of justice in the courts. The prudent man kept quiet in evil times. By seeking good and not evil, they lived and the Lord God Almighty was with them. If they hated evil, loved good and maintained justice in the courts, He showed mercy to the remnant. The day of the Lord would be darkness, not light. God despised their religious feasts and assemblies while not regarding their offerings. Let justice roll like a river and righteousness like a never-failing stream (Amos 5:1-27). Seek God by telling the truth and practicing justice like a ever-flowing river.

Deny Complacency, Consumerism and Comfort To Grieve Over Sin
God hated the complacent and secure among prominent people who owned ivory-inlaid beds, feasted on choice lambs and lounged on couches. They strummed harps, drank much wine and used the finest lotions. Because they did not grieve over the ruin of Joseph, they were among the first to go into exile (Amos 6:1-7). Deny complacency, consumerism and comfort to grieve over sin. 

Hate Pride, Silence Speaking About God and Unrighteousness Causing Oppression and Death
Because God hated pride and fortresses, He delivered up the city. People died and told not to mention God’s name. He smashed every house into pieces. They turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into bitterness. They rejoiced in futile conquests trusting in their own strength. God stirred a nation to oppressed Israel (Amos 6:8-14). Hate pride, silence speaking about God, injustice and unrighteousness causing oppression and death. 

The following encourage people to return to God:
1. Lack of love toward others brings God’s wrath 
2. Disobedience, false gods, injustice and stifling prophesy bring God’s judgment 
3. Revelation of God’s plans to stop injustice and destroy materialism
The following assist people to return to God: 
1. Seek God by telling the truth and practicing justice
2. Deny complacency, consumerism and comfort to grieve over sin
3. Hate pride, silence speaking about God and unrighteousness causing oppression and death

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