Many forces conspire to prevent you from speaking God’s word openly as Christ’s disciple. Learning evangelism presentations and applying church growth methods are not sufficient. When close friends betray you, you may lose confidence in the gospel. When persecution makes life harder and more complicated, it becomes tempting to pursue the American dream of prosperity and comfort. Rather than being a disciple of Jesus, you allow the world to mold your thinking and actions. You become preoccupied with human strategies to meet your needs instead of taking up the cross and seeking God’s kingdom. Jesus provides the example on how to speak the word openly as His disciple after Judas betrayed Him. 

Judas came with soldiers and the Pharisees to betray Jesus. Twice Jesus asked, “Whom do you seek?” Jesus spoke that He would not lose anyone God gave Him in fulfillment of His word. After Peter cut off the right ear of the high priest’s slave, Jesus said he would drink the cup the Father gave Him (John 18:1-11). Persevere in midst of betrayal while fulfilling God’s destiny. 

After the Romans soldiers and Jews arrested Jesus, they led him to Annas, the father-in-law of the high priest, Caiaphas. He had advised the Jews it was expedient for one man to die for the people (John 18:12-14). Endure persecution while 
fulfilling God’s destiny. 

Peter and another disciple followed Jesus into the court of the high priest. Peter told a slave-girl that he was not one of Jesus’ disciples. He warmed himself next to a charcoal fire with slaves and officers (John 18:15-18). Resist temptation toward comfort while fulfilling God’s destiny.  

Jesus answered the high priest saying He spoke openly to the world by teaching in the synagogues and temple where all the Jews came together. Jesus said they should question those who heard Him speak to know what He said. Annas sent Him to Caiaphas the high priest (John 18:19-24). Speak God’s word openly to the world while fulfilling God’s destiny. 

Twice Peter denied that He was one of the disciples and immediately a cock crowed (John 18:25-27). Embrace your role as Jesus’ disciple while fulfilling God’s destiny. 

The Jews told Pilate that they could not put anyone to death in answering what accusation they were bringing against Christ. This fulfilled Jesus’ word signifying what kind of death he would suffer (John 18:28-32). Take up your cross while fulfilling God’s destiny. 

Pilate asked Jesus in the governor’s residence, “Are You the King of the Jews?” Jesus said that because His kingdom was not of this world, His servants would not fight to prevent Him from being delivered up to the Jews. When Pilate asked if Jesus was a king, He answered that He was born to be a king and bore witness to the truth so those of the truth would hear His voice. After Pilate asked, “What is truth?”, he told the Jews that he found no guilt in Him. The Jews told Pilate to release Barabbas, a robber, instead of Jesus at the Passover (John 18:33-40). Seek God’s kingdom by bearing witness to the truth while fulfilling God’s destiny.

To speak God’s word openly as His disciple and fulfill your destiny, do the following:  
1. Persevere in midst of betrayal
2. Endure persecution
3. Resist temptation toward comfort
4. Embrace your role as Christ’s disciple
5. Take up your cross
6. Seek God’s kingdom by bearing witness to the truth

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