In order to spread God’s glory and holiness in your city, reject idols and pride, see God’s glory, grieve over evil, speak God’s word, trust God for new heart, and communicate object lessons to motivate obedience.  

Reject Confidence in Money, Idols and Pride
The Lord told Ezekiel that the end came to Israel with judgment, disaster and wrath because of their evil conduct. They would know He was the Lord. Arrogance and violence grew into a rod to punish wickedness. The seller would not recover the land he sold. Those in the country died by the sword and those in the city were devoured by famine and plague. Those escaping in the mountains moaned like doves with every knee weak as water. Money and idols failed to save them. The land was full of bloodshed and the city full of violence. Wicked nations took possession of their houses and ended the pride of the mighty. The teaching by priests and counsel from elders were lost. The king mourned, the prince despaired and the people trembled (Ezek. 7:1-27).  Reject confidence in money, idols and pride instead of God’s word as they cause despair, famine and plague. 

See God’s Glory to Discern Jealousy and Idolatry
The Spirit showed Ezekiel a vision in Jerusalem where he saw God’s glory, the idol of jealousy and evil things Israel was doing. On the walls he saw all kinds of detestable animals and idols of Israel. In front of them stood 70 elders with a censer in each of their hands while a fragrant cloud of incense rose. God asked Ezekiel if he saw what the elders did in darkness at the shrine of their own idol. They replied that the Lord did not see them since He forsook the land. Ezekiel then saw women mourning for Tammuz. In the inner court at the entrance to the temple were about 25 men bowing down to the sun. The Lord said they filled the land with violence and He would respond in anger (Ezek. 8:1-18). See God’s glory to discern jealousy, idolatry, religiosity and immorality by church leaders and the congregation. 

Grieve Over Evil and Injustice to Receive His Protection
Six city guards with a weapon accompanied a man clothed in linen who had a writing kit at his side. The Lord told the man to go throughout Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieved over the evil things done in it. He told them to kill old and young men, maidens, women and children but not touch anyone with the mark. The Lord said Israel’s and Judah’s sin were great, land full of bloodshed and city full of injustice. People forsook the land and said the Lord did not see. The man in linen said he did what God commanded (Ezek. 9:1-11). Grieve over evil and injustice to receive protection from God.

Spread God’s Glory and Holiness in Your City
The Lord told the man in linen to scatter burning coals from the cherubim over the city. The cloud filled the temple and the court was full of the radiance of God’s glory. The sound of the cherubim’s wings was heard like the voice of the God Almighty. The Lord commanded the man in linen to take fire from among the wheels in the cherubim. Ezekiel saw the vision described in chapter one. God’s glory departed from the temple. He realized that they were cherubim with four faces and four wings. Under their wings looked like the hands of a man (Ezek. 10:1-22). Spread God’s glory and holiness in your city. 

Speak God’s Word to Counteract Worldly Advice 
The Spirit brought Ezekiel to the gate of the temple where 25 men stood who plotted evil and gave wicked advice to the city. God told Ezekiel to prophesy against people being killed in the city and streets filled with the dead. The bodies represented the meat and the city was the pot, but God drove them out of it. He would bring the sword, drive them out of the city, hand them over to foreigners and inflict punishment. They would know that He was Lord since they did not follow His laws but conformed to the world’s standards. While Ezekiel  prophesied, Peletiah died (Ezek. 11:1-15). Speak God’s word to counteract worldly advice.

Trust God for New Heart that Empowers Obedience
God gathered them from among the nations where they scattered and brought them back to Israel. He removed their vile images and idols, gave them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them. He removed their heart of stone and gave them a heart of flesh to follow His laws as God’s people. He would judge those whose hearts were devoted to vile images and idols. God’s glory above the cherubim went up from within the city and stopped above the mountain east of it. The Spirit brought Ezekiel to the exiles in Babylonia in the vision given by Him. He told the exiles everything the Lord showed him (Ezek. 11:16-25). Trust God for a new heart and spirit that empowers obedience to His word.

Communicate Object Lessons to Motivate Obedience
God told Ezekiel that he lived among a rebellious people who had eyes to see but did not see and ears to hear but did not hear. Ezekiel became a sign when he packed his belongings for exile and went to another place. He covered  his face and dug through a wall in the evening so they could understand. Israel asked what he was doing. Ezekiel said it was sign that they would be sent into exile as captives. They would know that He was Lord when God scattered them through the countries. He spared a few from the sword, famine and plague so they would acknowledge their evil practices. They would eat their food in anxiety and drink their water in despair since their land was desolate. God would end their proverb that every vision came to nothing.  Days were near when every vision would be fulfilled and end false visions or flattering divinations. God would not delay His visions any longer (Ezek. 12:1-28). Communicate object lessons to motivate obedience showing how God fulfills His word when people recognize their great need. 

Ask God do the following in your city to see His glory and holiness spread in your city: 
1. Reject confidence in money, idols and pride
2. See God’s glory to discern jealousy and idolatry
3. Grieve over evil and injustice to receive His protection
4. Speak God’s word to counteract worldly advice 
5. Trust God for a new heart and spirit that empowers obedience
6. Communicate object lessons to motivate obedience

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