The 1966 Academy Award winning movie,”A Man for All Seasons,” depicts the events leading to the martyrdom of Sir Thomas More (1478-1525). More was a judge and a royal official who was beheaded by King Henry VIII because he opposed Henry’s actions in taking control of the Church in England, thereby separating it from the Catholic Church. More said, “When statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their own public duties they lead their country by a short route to chaos.”

In times of opposition when people and spiritual forces fight against you, how do you live? The Psalmist says to take up the shield, the spear and say to your soul, “I am your salvation” (Ps. 35:1-3).  His counsel is similar to Paul’s in putting on the full armor of God through the shield of faith, helmet of salvation and sword of Spirit, which is the word of God (Eph. 6:11,16-17).

The shield of faith allows you to extinguish the flaming missiles of evil one, which is similar to the Psalmist words where our enemies will be ashamed, dishonored, humiliated, be like chaff, fall into pit and caught by the net.  Their evil and destructive schemes will be defeated (Ps. 35:4-8). Only by standing in the power of God through the shield of faith can we defeat these enemies because our battle is not against humans, but spiritual forces in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).

Rejoicing in God and exulting in His salvation allows you to be delivered from affliction and rescued from malicious witnesses, even former friends who slandered you (Eph. 6:10; Ps. 35:9-17).

Our individualism causes us to think we should fight spiritual battles alone. In times of testing, the Psalmist says  “I will give thanks in the great congregation; I will praise Thee among a mighty throng” (Ps. 35:18). Even Paul’s instruction about spiritual warfare in Eph. 6:11-20 is in context of the whole body of Christ.

You put on armor of God by praying in the Spirit and interceding for other believers (Eph. 6:18).  Prayer should include others, not just for yourself. The Psalmist models a specific prayer request in asking for protection from enemies who hate him without cause, don’t speak peace and devise deceitful words against him (Ps. 35:19-21).

He also asks God to awake to his cause and judge him according to His righteousness so that his enemies will be  humiliated and clothed with shame (Ps. 35:22-26).

You attain true prosperity or peace by putting on Jesus Christ through the shield of faith, helmet of salvation and sword of the word by prayer in the Spirit (Ps. 35:27-28).

In Psalm 34 blog, we saw how God comforts the humble in overcoming fear within, renders justice in conflicts without and restores you in Christ-centered character (2 Cor. 6:4-6).  Psalm 35 shows how to put on the armor of God through word of truth and weapons of righteousness for the right and left hand (2 Cor. 6:7).

Find a prayer partner and start praying together at least weekly by phone or in person. In this way, you will discover true prosperity.

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