I walked in the television room of the dorm. Bill left his card game and walked toward me. He was the first person to greet me after my move from the fraternity to the dorm. After he helped me set up my stereo, we got into a discussion about Jesus. “Bill, you can’t take the Bible literally. It’s full of fairy tales,” I said, “Stories like Noah’s ark and parting of the Red Sea didn’t really happen. Miracles don’t happen in real life!” This dialogue began my journey to knowing Christ personally and making Him Lord.

Knowing the Bible, believing God exists, going to church, having a social media profile saying “Christian,” speaking Christian language, and saying Jesus is Lord doesn’t mean I’m approved  not mean you are making Jesus Lord in your life. If we don’t make Christ Lord, we won’t seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).

1. Embrace Christ’s authority
Religious leaders asked who gave Jesus authority when He taught people in the temple and preached the gospel. Jesus asked if John’s baptism was from heaven or from men. Since the religious leaders wouldn’t answer his question, Jesus refused answering them too (Luke 20:1-8). Embrace Christ’s authority so your ministry won’t go unnoticed.

2. Accept Christ as church’s foundation
Jesus told a parable about a vineyard owner sending three slaves to vine-growers to get produce. Each time they beat the slave and sent him away empty-handed. When the owner sent his beloved son who was killed by the vine-growers, he planned to destroy them and give the vineyard to others. Jesus said, “The stone which the builders rejected, this became the chief cornerstone. Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like dust” (Luke 20:9-18). Accept Christ as church’s foundation for protection.  

3. Balance worldly and spiritual responsibilities
The religious leaders feared the people, and tried to kill and catch Jesus in what He said, because they knew He spoke this parable against them. They asked if was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not. Jesus detected their trickery and took a denarius. He said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” They marveled at His answer and became silent (Luke 20:19-26). Balance spiritual and worldly responsibilities to please Jesus.

4. Value supernatural transformation
Christ told the Sadducees who believe in no resurrection that people marry on earth, but are like angels and unmarried in heaven. The dead are raised since He is God of the living. The Sadducees lost courage to question Him any longer (Luke 20:27-40). Value spiritual transformation because He’s God.

5. Rejoice in Christ’s victory
Christ asked how they could say that He’s David’s son when he called Him ‘Lord.’ David said for the Lord to sit at His right hand until He made His enemies a footstool for His feet (Luke 20:41-44). Rejoice in Christ’s victory over spiritual enemies.

6. Seek humility
Christ told His disciples to beware of the scribes who love respectful greetings and chief seats in the synagogues but devour widows’ houses and offer long prayers for appearance’s sake. They will receive greater condemnation (Luke 20:45-47). Seek humility instead of power and position.  

Further Thought: Ask God to help you value supernatural transformation as you balance your spiritual and worldly responsibilities while putting Christ’s first.    ​

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