In our post-modern culture, we have all sorts of different lifestyle groups. In high school, there are jocks, popular group, wannabees, those hooked on electronics, druggies, ‘body’ guys, freaks, skaters, goths plus many more. Does God have anything to  say about our lifestyles and how we should live?

Since God made us in his image or likeness, we share similar attributes with Him such as love, righteousness, holiness, faithfulness and creativity (Gen. 5:1-2). We are created as diverse beings, male and female, similar to the Trinity (Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit) that were in perfect relationship. God desired that all the generations listed in Gen. 5 work as teams between husbands, wives and children. That hasn’t changed today.

What is the key to living out this teamwork relationship? The word, blessed, in Gen. 5:2 is extremely important. God blessed us, which literally means “bend the knee, pray, praise.” In other words, prayer in response to the fear of God allows to live out His image so we can work as team in our families.

In contrast, when Seth became Adam’s son after 130 years according to his image, it wasn’t God’s image, but in the image of man, literally meaning idol or nothingness. Most people today are walking after idols in the futility of their minds not accomplishing anything worthwhile in God’s sight.

However, Enoch walked with God and never experienced physical death or a life without meaning like so many do today (Gen. 5:22-24).

How do we walk with God? Even though we can’t give a complete answer, this passage gives a hint about an important ingredient when Lamech said Noah would give rest from our work (Gen. 5:28-29).  The  meaning of rest is repentance or change of mind about one’s sin, which we will see in Noah’s life. The end result of repentance is comfort and compassion, just the opposite of what we think.

What sin must you repent of in your walk with God to have comfort instead of experiencing the curse (hem in with obstacles) of Adam’s sin?

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