The pathway to true prosperity and abundance is brokenness, reverent  faith, Christ reigning and prayer for deliverance (Ps. 72). Even as believers, we are tempted to adopt the strategies of the wicked since they seem to succeed, at least for the short-term. When Christ is number one, your life will be characterized by righteousness, peace, power, compassion and prosperity. When I go into default mode and follow the world’s ways, confusion, heartache and devastation result. I have experienced both pathways. Which one will you and I choose?  

God is good to those who have pure hearts. A major stumbling block is envying the prosperity of the wicked who seem to have smooth sailing through life. The Psalmist asserted that the wicked have no cares or problems because their pride and unfeeling heart shielded them from life’s normal concerns. Their tongues mock the righteous as they oppress the disenfranchised and those on the margins (Ps. 73:1-9).

Even though God’s people drink waters of abundance, they wonder if He’s paying attention to the wicked who are at ease and increasing in wealth. It’s tempting for the godly to think spiritual disciplines are a waste of time compared to the wicked who get ahead in life (Ps. 73:10-14).

Understanding came after the Psalmist spent time with God and considered the destiny of the wicked. Their lives will be destroyed in a moment, swept away by sudden terrors and despised by the Lord (Ps. 73:15-20).

This revelation does not come all at once. God takes you through a process as you reflect on the true reality about the prosperity of the wicked. At first, your heart is bitter and wounded as you consider how the wicked get ahead and achieve great things through devious means. Proper perspective comes as you make God your chief glory (Ps. 73:21-24). 

Instead of celebrating the world’s allurements and pleasures, the nearness of God becomes your joy, desire and foundation. You make Him your refuge and supreme good (Ps. 73:25-28). 

How do you make God your refuge and joy instead of the world? Psalm 74 answers that question. 

First, you must cry for help when it seems that God has rejected and forgotten you (Ps. 74:1-2).

Second, you must consider the present devastation. The enemy has set up worldly standards in the church and defiled true worship of God. His people have been oppressed and intimidated so they don’t follow Christ’s command to make disciples. Prophets are lacking who can lead God’s people in obtaining their birthright as children of God. From all appearances, God has allowed the enemy to overwhelm us (Ps. 74:3-11).

Third, remember that God is your powerful king. He is the one who delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage by dividing the Red Sea. He is the one who created the heavens and earth along with the seasons (Ps. 74:12-17). 

Fourth, remind God that the world, flesh and devil reviles His people continually. Meditate on the truths that His literal and unconditional promise within the Abrahamic Covenant of land (kingdom rule), descendants (multiplied disciples) and blessings forever still apply even though the land is full of spiritual deadness and blindness, including oppression and injustice among the least of these without a voice (Ps. 74:18-21). 

Lastly, ask God to plead His own cause and defeat the adversaries that prevent His kingdom from expanding through the discipleship of His people (Ps. 74:22-23).

Please take the following actions: 

1. Cry for help because you are desperate
2. Consider the devastation (worldly standards) in your life and in the church
3. Remember God’s past deliverances in the Bible, creation and in your life 
4. Meditate on the truths of the Abrahamic Covenant that God has promised you: unconditional kingdom rule, multiplied disciples and blessings forever 
5. Ask God to defeat the world, flesh and devil in your life and the church, which prevent His kingdom rule from expanding through making disciples

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