When someone seeks to hurt you by telling lies, what’s your normal response? You want to defend yourself! 
Nothing is more uncomfortable or aggravating than being on the receiving end of lies. In an earlier blog post from Gen. 39, Joseph was accused wrongly of sexual advances toward his master’s wife. As a result, he was thrown into prison. Joseph understood that God was his deliverer. Because he trusted in God’s plan, Joseph ultimately became the second most powerful person in Egypt, secretary of agriculture. God vindicated him! Psalms 52-54 paint a picture on how to withstand the attacks from evil people and thereby experience God’s deliverance. 

Loving evil more than good leads to destructive, deceitful and false speech. God’s lovingkindness destroys words that devour. The righteous laughs at those who trust in riches instead of God (Ps. 52:1-7). 

In contrast, the righteous trust in God’s lovingkindness and thank Him forever. They wait patiently upon His good name in the presence of His godly ones (Ps. 52:8-9). 

Besides destructive speech, the fool says in his heart there’s no God and commits injustice. In reality, no one does good, understands or seek after God. Everyone is corrupt. Doing good is not part of their lifestyle. Because they don’t call upon God, they experience dread and shame, In addition, they are drained of any positive energy to do good (Ps. 53:1-5).

Our only hope is God’s deliverance. He frees you from all affliction, whether it’s internal or external, to enable you to rejoice in God (Ps. 53:6). 

God’s saving power allows Him to hear and answer prayer when violent men seek your harm. The Lord sustains your soul so you have the inner resources to withstand attacks.  He pays back evil so you aren’t hurt. He silences your enemies so truth is upheld (Ps. 54:1-5).

God wants you to respond with thanksgiving in these tough circumstances, especially when evil people seek your harm. Remember that God is your vindicator. He doesn’t need your help (Ps. 54:6-7). 

If you are on the receiving end of unjust attacks, thank and trust God to deliver you. Don’t seek revenge and remember that God will ultimately vindicate you. Truth will win out!

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